l have used Playstation browser and l used Xbox Internet Explorer and I have used Wii U browser. Playstation browser to me has got to be the wost browser of the lot. Xbox 360 browser l found very confusing to navergate. Internet Explorer on the Latop these days has changed so much that l personaly think they removed too many options. Now the Wii U browser l have fallen in love with it's draging the webpage around when you zoom in is fantistick. The favourites is a real book with real pages and the bookmark fonts are a very good size too. when you play youtubes the Wii U browser plays movies fullscreen automaticy. There is nothing about this Wii U broswer that l don't like. Wii U browser has me using it more and more because it works differenty then the other browsers and most of the time it's a nice serprise too. Every console browser l know has missing the ability to update flashplayer type plugins so you can't hold that against it because that's normal for every console. l love Wii U Browser! very good job Nintendo.
- Colinx and SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums like this