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Member Since 29 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 26 2013 06:40 AM

Topics I've Started

Luigi U Download from eShop

20 June 2013 - 01:19 PM

Okay, so this is the dumbest question you'll read all year, but this is my first download in the eShop.  I've purchased physical copies of all my other games so far.  I made the purchase of Luigi U and I have the NSMBU game inside the console.  After I made the purchase, I got a message that said the download would start automatically, but I don't see any indication that that happened.  Where will I see it?  I saw no progress bar or anything like I normally do when I'm running software updates.  



Oh, LORD, nevermind!  I found the Download Manager section and saw the status of the download.  I'll leave this up in case there's someone out there who was as confused as me.  I doubt it.

3DS Data Transfer Question

14 January 2013 - 12:40 PM

Sorry about posting this here, but the 3DS forums won't allow me to login to post. :(

I have gotten to love downloading games from the eShop rather than purchasing game cards at the store. Unfortunately, games like NSMB2 and Mario Kart 7 take up a TON of space, and I was on the original 2GB SD card.

I purchased an 8GB card, but I need some help transferring data from the old card to the new one. I saw Nintendo's support topic, but it seems to require a PC that has an SD card slot, and my laptop does not. Is there another way? Links are also welcome! And thank you!

Club Nintendo Rewards

02 January 2013 - 09:17 AM

I'm currently sitting on more than 800 coins in my Club Nintendo account, and I don't have any desire for any of the rewards being offered at the moment.  I'm only mildly interested in the gold nunchuck, which isn't available right now anyway.  I already have the Wii-mote holder, a gamecard holder w/ stylus', a pouch for my 3DS, a giant AR card and a tote bag which isn't offered anymore.  Is there anywhere we can go to view information about what's in the works for upcoming rewards (like a rumor site or Nintendo fan page)?  A Google search didn't reveal anything but Nintendo's own website, but I thought maybe someone here had some more knowledge.

Standby Mode?

05 December 2012 - 03:00 PM

On my Wii, when not in use, my unit displays a yellow light indicating standby mode, and it receives messages over my WiFi connection, which I'm alerted to by the disc port glowing blue.

My Wii U, however, seems to just shut down with a red light. Does it have a standby mode similar to the Wii? And if so, how do you put it in that mode?

New User from CT!

29 November 2012 - 03:40 AM

Hello, everyone!

I just got started with Wii U yesterday, but I'm a veteran Nintendo junkie, owning everything from the original NES and Gameboy, right up to the Wii U and 3DS.  So far, I'm loving all the new features and am learning how to be a part of the Miiverse!  Hoping to learn more by speaking with all of you!

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