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Member Since 02 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2012 03:21 AM

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In Topic: Better than Wii?

03 December 2012 - 03:16 AM

Seems to have stirred up a bit of a hornets nest as most seem to have missed the point of the original post. It was not my intention to intimate that the Wii U was not an improvement on the Wii, my intention was to point out that it could have been even better. The Wii was an innovative gaming experience when it was first introduced, standing out against all the completion with its different approach but it did have several drawbacks, such as being slow to load games and having mediocre graphics. I had expected that the Wii U would address these problems while keeping the good features the Wii had, but it does not. No doubt the operating system will improve over time and many games that take advantage of the new features will appear I also realise that there are work arounds for those missing channels I mentioned but one must question whether that is actually progress? Finally, I always thought my Wii was slow but on boot it takes 7 seconds to get to the menu, my Wii U takes 32 seconds even with the improvement made in CPU and memory technology from the time of the Wii development; Is the new OS four times larger?

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