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Member Since 02 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2013 03:45 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: A Canuck with a Wii U!

29 April 2013 - 04:27 PM

Nice.. I'll be picking up Monster Hunter 3 soon.


I can't believe the ignorant people who complain/troll about Wii U not having games out for it... There's so many more/better games on it than launched with ps3/360.

In Topic: Gunslingers ~ The Nintendo Wii U Clan for Adults.

29 April 2013 - 04:22 PM

Sign me up. This describes me exactly.. looking up old MK2 fatality codes in a tips n' tricks magazine at the grocery store. I also dig the "Gunslingers" title since I've recently started reading through Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" series. I'll be picking up Monter Hunter 3 this week.


Wii U addy: Izombie

In Topic: is it true the wii u will be destroyed by ps4?

29 April 2013 - 04:07 PM

It'll be like it always is, sony/microsoft splurges on hardware and wins in the performance benchmarks but Nintendo brings some of the best exclusives at a more appealing price range. I'll have my Wii U and a ps4, depending on it's price at launch.

In Topic: What I'd like to see on the WiiU - Amy's wishlist!

31 December 2012 - 05:59 PM

Sounds like a good list. I wish they had ported over WWE 13' to the Wii U so I can go buy it now. Hopefully they won't gimp good third party titles from the Wii U throughout the next year or I'll be pissed

In Topic: Wii U - A massive disappointment?

30 December 2012 - 11:14 AM

I have to disagree with this post entirely. I've had the Wii U deluxe since day 1 with Mario, ZombiU, Black Ops 2 and Nintedo land of course. I sunk all my initial time into ZombiU, it's probably the only survival horror game in a long time that's made me nervous and reluctant to turn it on again. I don't see how anyone can like the new super Mario bros games and bash the Wii U Mario.. It's so much better and has the SNES Mario world feel, plus the HD graphics look just fine to me considering the type of game it is. Black Ops 2 is debatable if it looks better or the same as it does on other consoles but I like having the touch screen to use scorestreaks with along with the map. Having a friend over to play online with together with one using the tv and the other using the gamepad rather than split screen is just fantastic. I've hardly touched Nintendoland until earlier this week but I've been having a blast with Pikmin adventures and the Zelda game so you should try those out.

As for the console having slow loading issues and some other slight issues, they've already been patching it and working on fixes. At least the system isn't Red/Yellow lighting of death. And just compare launch titles to that back of the 360 and ps3 launch titles.. The Wii U has it all beat hands down IMO.

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