This only comes out more given the shoddy hardware that doesn't work (Kinect), very VERY few exclusives, making you pay up the ass whenever and wherever possible, in a system that really..all it is, is a watered down PC. That gives out about half the power for the same cost as a decent budget computer. In addition to all that, they release their consoles KNOWING there are serious problems with them, BUT ships them off anyway cause..well..they have $'s in their eyes. Plain an Simple. Once they have your money, they really don't care.
Now, True, Sony DOES have a bad habit of copying its competition. However, They have provided AMAZING titles (including exclusives) and services. Ever since PS1. All things considered. They are a great company that does try there best and cares about its fans. I sincerely hope their new system is successful. I really do. I never want to lose Sony. I realize that competition is a good thing. Keeps all businesses on their toes and motivates everyone to do better than the other. M$, time and time again, show that they really only care about money, not their customers. With all the other new console entries coming this year, like the Steambox, or OUYA (which is a valid competitor, whether you think so or not) There is plenty of healthy and promising competition to go around to not need M$ anymore. That is how I feel about it anyway.
If Xbox 720 succeeds and they turn a leaf and makes their fans happy, then all the power to them. I just very much doubt that it is their mindset or goal. I am welcome to be proven wrong though. That is entirely up to them. From what I hear though, If they don't want to include a disk drive, that seems like a very backward move that I would expect them to make.
One thing is for sure though, Nintendo in this generation, especially this year, is turning into the bright and shiny, heroic White Knight riding in to save the day. With flying colors no less. They have a very bright future, as always. This year will be very very interesting indeed. Who will fumble and who will flourish? Only time will tell.
- BanjoKazooie, ttmc1976, Zinix and 4 others like this