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Member Since 03 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 06 2012 02:23 AM

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Sound Issue - Drops out

03 December 2012 - 01:54 AM

Dear All,

I wonder if anyone else has this problem.  I have my Wii U connected to my Yamaha RX-A820 receiver using an HDMI cable.  This outputs surround sound perfectly well. The test tone from the setup menu fires on all the speakers.  No problems.

The only issue I have, is that periodically, the sound stops for like half a second, then starts again.  It happens infrequently, but is super annoying.  So it will be happily making surround music, then nothing, then back to normal.

The issue happens whilst playing games (Mario World, Zombi U) as well as on the Wii U Menu screen, so it can't be the games, it must be the Wii.

The receiver is LPCM compatible (it's a new model) and the receiver does not do this on any other sources (Playstation 3, XBOX 360, Blu Ray player etc).  If that codec was the problem, it would just not play any sound at all, so I'm stumped!

I've played around with all the settings I could find on both the Wii U and the receiver with no luck.  My only conclusion is the Wii U has a problem.  Has anyone else experienced this same issue?


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