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Member Since 15 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 18 2012 08:51 PM

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In Topic: Defective Wii U

16 December 2012 - 07:40 PM

Neighbors shouldn't be close enough to interfere but I can see one of their wireless networks on my laptop so I really can't be sure. I haven't taken the Wii anywhere else but we did change TVs far enough away that I think it is safe to rule pout environment issues. Pretty sure I just have something wrong with the Wii itself.

In Topic: Defective Wii U

16 December 2012 - 03:14 PM

Yes we have tried with no internet/WiFi. I am sure they replaced the gamepad as the serial numbers are different.

In Topic: Defective Wii U

16 December 2012 - 02:01 PM

Thanks for the suggestion as that is something we never tried, however it didn't work. I doubt the gamepad is the issue as the first time I sent it back to Nintendo they replaced my gamepad. I am hoping they replace the whole system this time. The reps only other idea is a phone or a router that a neighbor has is interfering but I cannot make ,y neighbors shut their equipment down so I can play Mario.

In Topic: Defective Wii U

16 December 2012 - 10:55 AM

The console isn't completely frozen as I can still navigate menus using a traditional Wii remore . the frustrating part is I have sent it in 2x already and haven't resolved my issue. I would just exchange it but the retailer won't let me as my 2 weeks return period has expired.

In Topic: Defective Wii U

15 December 2012 - 08:55 PM

No. Trust me we extensively went through unplugging anything that might cause interference. Phones, microwaves routers... Everything. The rep at Nintendo even believed that the wall mount for my TV may have been causing interference so we moved the Wii u to a different TV ton see if that would help. They said that if it was an interference problem I should be experiencing total loss of connection but the fact that audio and video were still streaming to the game pad that I had a very "unique" issue.

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