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Member Since 15 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 18 2012 08:51 PM

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Defective Wii U

15 December 2012 - 06:27 PM

I typically do not post in forums but after my experience with the Wii U I feel compelled to share my storyy.

My girlfriend and I purchased a Wii U the weekend of black Friday. We brought it home, set it up, downloaded the infamace update and were off. After playing the first night with no problems we felt quite pleased with the wii u.

Then the nightmare began. The gamepad would freeze constantly. Every 1-2 minutes the gamepad would become unresponsive. The audio/video would still stream perfectly to the gamepad and the TV remote function still worked  just fine. However no other buttons worked. I called Nintendo and after their troubleshooting we determined that the gamepad was defective. We sent it back and waited anxiously for bits replacement.

About 5 business days later the new gamepad arrived. We synced it to the wii and had to reconfigure the TV remote settings and we were ready to play again. Or so we thought. Still every couple of minutes no response from the gamepad. A resync and again 2 minutes later frozen ganeoad. Mind you a original Wii remote works just fine and the gamepad screen still streamed the audio/video without a hitch be not response from the touchscreen or buttons. Back on the phone with Nintendo. After following pretty much the same troubleshooting it was time to send the entire system back to Nintendo.

7 days later I get the system back with a nite enclosed staring the issue was found and repaired. Great right? Wrong... same issue. After a lengthy 3rd call to Nintendo and trying to identify any interference, changing rooms/TVs, resynchronization and calibration nothing. Now I have fussed around with the first two "repairs" I have expired my return policy and cannot simply exchange the unit at retail.

This is where I am at now. I have owned the system 3 weeks and only played it once. This will be my 3rd repair on a brand new system.

For the record I am not a huge gamer. I am not a fanvoy of Sony or any crap like that. In fact my dogs name is Bowser after the beloved Mario villain.

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