I am so excited for this game! I don't know if Gearbox or SEGA have made any comments as to the release of the Wii U version but I do believe it's coming out alongside the other versions and from what I'm hearing the Wii U version will be the best one.
YouTube: http://www.youtube.c...s1?feature=mhee
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Member Since 21 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Jan 02 2013 07:56 PM
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- Birthday October 25, 1995
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In Topic: Aliens Colonial Marines Thread
22 December 2012 - 02:02 PM
In Topic: Excuse my while I vent! Miiverse-eShop
22 December 2012 - 01:38 PM
With moderators, I can see why you are upset about that. I can see like if a person wrote like the n word or bashing the crap out of a type of person, but a picture shouldn't really be a big issue. As for the sales, it happens. Sure I would feel bummed out over it, but not feel ripped off. It just means that I gave more money to a company who made an amazing game.
In Topic: What one game should I get?
21 December 2012 - 04:19 PM
Yeah that was my fault. I only had three games at first but then I added in Tekken at the last second but I forgot to change the numberi think that may be four games.......
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