basically i can't be bothered to keep charging the gamepad while playing monster hunter so does anyone use one of these how long does the battery last are they ergonomic and built well would like some opinions before i splash out on one.
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Member Since 24 Dec 2012Offline Last Active May 27 2013 10:39 AM
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wii u controller pro is it worth it
13 April 2013 - 12:57 PM
tvii in uk whats happening
23 March 2013 - 12:48 PM
when will this be available and working in the uk getting a bit annoyed that its just a useless icon on the menu what does it even do.
netflix gamepad battery question
28 January 2013 - 03:14 PM
does anybody know if you can put the gamepad into idle mode or something while watching netflix as it drains the battery for no reason while i don't want it too be on.
tv or gamepad ?
29 December 2012 - 03:10 PM
hey people just thought for fun i'd see what everyone is preferring between the two or maybe your rocking on both at once personally ive barely switched my tv on since getting the console.

black ops 2 ground war why no players
28 December 2012 - 12:52 PM
my favourite mode on black ops 2 and nobody is playing whats going on i'm having to join tdm all the time with less players.hopefully more people will be playing after christmas when they get gaming again.
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