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A W Reezy

Member Since 30 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2015 03:13 PM

#166597 EA on Wii U: Not a next-gen console

Posted by A W Reezy on 03 February 2013 - 05:07 PM

In hardware terms when compared to other consoles, it isn't next gen, but when compared to the wii, it is definately next gen. I don't buy Nintendo for EA, I buy Nintendo for Nintendo games, and there games are going to look gorgeous on this console and will probably be on par w/ next gen games because its nintendos magic. If the can make a 480p game such as DKCR or galaxy 2 look almost as good as a 720p game than I can't wait to see what they do with the same resolution. Sure, or 3rd parties it might not be enough, but I have no doubt that Nintendo will fully utilize the wii u and make their games some of the best looking of the next gen. If you don't believe me, pick up a copy of skyward sword and xenoblade, two of the best looking games of last gen that were on the wii. Look at wind waker, which despite being made 10 years ago still is visually stunning. Nintendo will be able to utilize their hardware, and who gives a crap if other developers can't, because Nintendo did so their silly excuses are a load of butt.

This x100.  Nintendo did great things with the Wii and the WII's graphics were sub par specs wise.  Give Nintendo a little time to work on their upcoming titles (new Mario, Zelda, etc...) and I think we'll see tremendous things.  I'm really excited!

#164077 Why didn't you tell us we needed 2 wii remotes for SMB?

Posted by A W Reezy on 28 January 2013 - 07:21 AM

I'm more concerned with the "horsing ripoff scam".  There are horses getting ripped off and no one is doing anything about it!  BLASPHEMY!

#159797 Petition for Zelda MM remake on Wii U !

Posted by A W Reezy on 16 January 2013 - 05:25 AM

Yeah, I want a remake from this... on the 3DS and after we saw a NEW game. No way in hell I'd sign this. They should do it for the 3DS. Now what would be more awesome if you want a remake, a LTTP remake in full HD graphics with TP art style.

I agree.  I think Majora's Mask would be a good remake for the 3DS.  Bring something new and fresh to the Wii U console.  However, if you were going to remake a Zelda game for the Wii U, bring back one of the 8 or 16 bit games and generate it in 3D.

#159516 Could Wii U be threatened by the 720 and Orbis?

Posted by A W Reezy on 15 January 2013 - 12:25 PM

Something we're going to have to realize is that Nintendo is not here to compete with the likes of the Playstation and the Xbox as far as specifications go.  If that were the case, they would've released the Wii U years ago instead of the Wii and now would be on the verge of releasing a system with specs that have been mentioned for both the PS4  and Xbox720.  Nintendo is and has always relied on the names of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc... and will continue to do so in the upcoming years.  And so far, they have used this concept and have been successful with it.  Only the Playstation 2 and Playstation have out sold Nintendo in the last 20 years.  Nintendo has held their own even without great specs in their game systems and I really don't see that trend changing.  Especially with the new technology in the Gamepad.

Lmao you nintendo fans have no choice but to resort to insults because you know im right XD

What I'm wondering is why are you even here?  You've obviously got your quirks with Nintendo and Nintendo Fanboys, so why hang around a website called "thewiiu.com"?

#157530 I am no longer defending Wii U...

Posted by A W Reezy on 08 January 2013 - 06:15 AM

LOL, I opened this thread thinking "What is wrong with you people?".  Turns out, this is one of the best posts I've read about the Wii U yet!  Great post, sir!

#154387 swearing @.?~# on the wii U

Posted by A W Reezy on 31 December 2012 - 08:32 AM

I hate bad language in games. I never used to but having kids around makes you more aware of it and now I'm not keen on it at all. I started playing GTAIV and could only stomach 30 minutes of the constant barrage of bad language, I haven't played it since :wacko:

Gore and stuff, the kids love it and find it fun like blowing zombies to pieces in house of the dead etc.. but kids should definitely not be around swearing,
i guess it's a parent thing. Then again, the way some of the yobs are being dragged up nowadays must be force fed the stuff :unsure:

I'm the same way.  Me personally, bad language does not bother me.  However, I don't want my daughter subjected to it when she gets old enough to play with the Wii U.  In fact, one of my reasons for purchasing a Wii U instead of the new Xbox or PlayStation, is for a more kid friendly environment.  And I understand, that I can't protect her from foul language always... But I'll try to do my best to prevent unnecessary foul listening.

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