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Member Since 01 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2013 05:02 PM

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Wii games won't play on Wii U

01 January 2013 - 05:38 PM

I just got a Wii U (Basic Verison) for Christmas and I did the day one update which went perfectly. I got Cabalas 2013 Dangerous Hunts and ZombU which both play on the system perfectly. I tried to play the new super mario brothers Wii and The legend of Zelda; Skyward Sword, and it ask me to sync the Wii remote which works, and I also sync a second remote which worked. Now I am looking for the game icon to select the game, but all that is there is a blank wii icon disc. When I select it it just asks me to sync Wii remotes again. What am I doing wrong?

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