I have to disagree. The PS Vita had a far better launch line up then the Wii U. That's not to say the Wii U doesn't have some strong games but there is very few of them and some are just direct ports.
You must be joking..i had a vita at launch and it was crap,i sold it after 2 weeks as the games that were out were all rubbish and now there still just as bad lol the wii u has a cod at launch ffs not my favorite cod by a longshot but most people think its the best ever,then it has a mario,assassins creed 3 which is the best in the series,has sonic racing for the racing side which is surprisingly good.
The vitas launch was terrible mate and the games on it now are still just as bad,little big planet is the only worthy game on the vita.
Thats my take on it

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