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Crispy Bacon

Member Since 14 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2013 07:57 AM

#166920 Lego City Undercover - New Trailer

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 04 February 2013 - 01:46 PM

ummm....what was that at 1:18?

Ouch! :blink: Didn't catch that until you pointed it out. :laugh:

#165200 What GCN games should be remastered next?

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 31 January 2013 - 10:20 AM

Assuming these remakes would receive the same visual overhaul and treatment as WW:HD, I'd like to see:

Super Mario Sunshine
Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime 1/2

#164845 Why should I get a 3DS?

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 30 January 2013 - 09:41 AM

Love my 3DS. You said you were looking into Super Mario 3D Land. Highly recommended! I'm 34 years old and I still love me some Mario. You won't be disappointed. The 3D is quite impressive in this game too.

As for everything else, the 3DS library is great and it's only going to improve as time goes on. It all comes down to your tastes. If the system offers the titles you want to play, then the 3DS is for you.

The system itself is really cool and offers some cool apps and functionality. The eShop is nice and offers a great variety of digital games as well.

#164843 Awful box arts in gaming thread

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 30 January 2013 - 09:31 AM

I'll just get the obvious out of the way...

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#164580 Why didn't you tell us we needed 2 wii remotes for SMB?

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 29 January 2013 - 12:18 PM

Didn't you receive my fax about this?
Jeez, people these days.

Heh, I immediately thought of this when I read your post...

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#162658 The Legend of Zelda announcements - speculation.

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 24 January 2013 - 02:50 PM

Wind Waker HD is going to be amazing. Can't wait!

As for Zelda U, this is what I want to see:

- New art style that hasn't been used in the Zelda series yet.

- Large, open world

- No more hand-holding

- Please....PLEASE stop constantly displaying a text box describing what item I just picked up off the ground.....despite the fact that I have 100 of them in my inventory already. I don't need to be reminded every single time as to what it is. Red Rupee=20......GOTCHA!

- Dungeons/temples can be visited in any order(I think Aonuma briefly hinted that this is something they would like to work on)

- The item/weapon you find in a particular dungeon may not necessarily be needed to successfully complete that dungeon. It may not be what is needed to defeat that dungeon's boss either. Keep us on our toes and keep things unpredictable.

That's just a few things off the top of my head.

#162225 Wii U Virtual Console detailed in this morning's Nintendo Direct

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 23 January 2013 - 12:16 PM

Figured this deserved its own thread since we got some new details this morning.

Here are the details we know so far:

-Will launch in the spring after the first performance update is released

-NES and Super NES will be supported immediately (other platforms will surely follow as time goes by)

-GBA games will be supported at some point as well

-Wii U VC games will be playable on the Wii U GamePad

-Games will retail for the same amount as they did on the Wii VC

-If you purchased any titles on Wii VC and transferred them to Wii U, you will be able to redownload these titles on the Wii U VC at a discounted price. Discounted prices for NES games will come in at $1.00 and Super NES games will come in at $1.50

-Wii U VC Campaign, created to celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the Famicom's release, will allow Wii U owners to download 1 game per month at the price of 30¢. This price will be available for 30 days per game. After 30 days, the price will return to its normal retail amount. Below is a schedule of the releases for NA/Europe and Japan.

NA and Europe:

January- Balloon Fight (NES)
February- F-Zero (SNES)
March- Punch Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream (NES)
April- Kirby's Adventure (NES)
May- Super Metroid (SNES)
June- Yoshi/Mario & Yoshi (NES)
July- Donkey Kong (NES)


January- Balloon Fight (NES)
February- Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo (Mystery of the Emblem) (SNES)
March- Mother 2 (EarthBound) (SNES)
April- Kirby's Adventure (NES)
May- Super Metroid (SNES)
June- Yoshi's Egg (Yoshi) (NES)
July- Donkey Kong (NES)

#162198 My Body just Wasnt ready

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 23 January 2013 - 11:13 AM

6 minutes into the video, with Iwata still going on about MiiVerse, I was like this:

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When the entire presentation wrapped up, I was like this:

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Well done, Nintendo. Well done.

#161848 Resident Evil: Revelations is headed to 360, PS3, PC and WiiU May 23, 2013

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 22 January 2013 - 11:04 AM

I have to disagree, i thought the use of the 3D was perfect and added to the horror element that made RE famous. Plus being portable i could sit in a dark room/lay in bed and play in the dark, use headphones and get fully immersed into the game. The console version will lack this feeling and it will feel like the other RE games "action" based.

In a way its good that people who havent gotten a chance to play it will now get a chance.

If the Wii U version has off-TV play, you'll be good to go. ;)

#161811 23.1.2013 Nintendo Direct about new WiiU games

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 22 January 2013 - 09:44 AM

Trying to keep my hype in check. I have no idea what to expect. Surprise me Nintendo!

#161406 NewLegendofZeldaWiiU

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 21 January 2013 - 09:40 AM

Give me a top-down/2D Zelda like this and Nintendo can have all my money. ALL OF IT.

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#159619 Could Wii U be threatened by the 720 and Orbis?

Posted by Crispy Bacon on 15 January 2013 - 03:49 PM

Here's how I see it:

The Wii gave us beautiful games like Mario Galaxy 1/2, Metroid Prime 3, Metroid: Other M, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Xenoblade, etc....

If we can get games like that on the Wii, the mind boggles at what kind of output we'll see from Nintendo and their first-party entries on the Wii U, a system that is multitudes more powerful than the Wii.

I'm drooling at the thought! :P

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