Crispy Bacon
Member Since 14 Jan 2013Offline Last Active Nov 13 2013 07:57 AM
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Crispy Bacon
Got a ticket for failure to yield to a stopped emergency vehicle. I tried my best to slow down and couldn't switch lanes because there was a car directly next to me in the next lane. Gonna call the court Monday and request a defensive driving course. Wish me luck... :/

If you weren't able to get over and you got a ticket anyways. Fight it.
Jun 19 2013 11:29 AM -
Crispy Bacon
Nah, it is my fault. I could've slowed down and got behind the other car. I just didn't act quickly enough. Besides, court sounds like a big headache. With defensive driving, I can get the whole thing dismissed and it won't go on my record. If I challenge it and fail, it goes on my record AND I pay the ticket as well. This really is my best option.
Jun 19 2013 11:38 AM

Crispy Bacon
Tropical Freeze has me itching to play DKC:Returns again. Tonight seems like a good night to do so. :)

Crispy Bacon
Oh, c'mon. No one is allowed to be disappointed? I'm as big a Nintendo fan as they come and these games will most certainly find their way into my library. I just expected more surprises. Instead, we get only 1 reveal of an unannounced game. Sorry, but I expected more than that. Life will go on. No biggie.
Jun 11 2013 07:04 AM -

Crispy Bacon
Been busy as hell and haven't been around. The wife and I are in the process of building our first house. Hope to be around and participate when E3 hits!

Crispy Bacon
Purchased Super Mario World and Excitebike just now. Good times tonight!

I should really get SMW, but I'm not sure I wanna spend 8 bucks on it... >.<
Apr 26 2013 06:25 PM

Crispy Bacon
Have a sudden urge to go home and play Zelda: Four Swords Adventures on Gamecube. Tonight is going to be fun!

Crispy Bacon
Been gone for a while, but I'm back. Work has consumed me for the last month and a half.

Crispy Bacon
Been slammed at work for a couple weeks now and it isn't letting up for another week or two. Miss this place. Haven't posted in a while.