In Japan and NA. Cannot confirm EU as of right now.
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Crispy Bacon
Member Since 14 Jan 2013Offline Last Active Nov 13 2013 07:57 AM
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 356
- Profile Views 9,653
- Member Title Bullet Bill
- Age 46 years old
- Birthday July 11, 1978
Texas, USA
Games and beer!
Zelda, Metroid, Resident Evil
Topics I've Started
Virtual Console is now available for Wii U
26 April 2013 - 08:17 AM
The Evil Within - Shinji Mikami/Bethesda's new game
19 April 2013 - 08:11 AM
I see that Penguin101 started a thread yesterday about Project: Zwei, but I figured, now that we have an official reveal of the game, I would start a new thread. I'm linking to a NeoGaf post because it contains plenty of info along with screens/artwork and a trailer. Enjoy!
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
17 April 2013 - 02:35 PM
I know today wasn't the first time this game was revealed, but I thought I'd create a topic and get everyone's thoughts on it. This game is really climbing to the top of my "must-buy for 3DS" list the more I see it. It looks beautiful and very unique. Thoughts?
Nintendo sees stock rise 11%, highest gain since 2008
10 April 2013 - 11:27 AM
Great news for Nintendo. With all the doom and gloom, this is refreshing.
Siliconera - Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Will Be Localized For The West
03 April 2013 - 06:04 PM
Square Enix still hasn’t announced Bravely Default: Flying Fairy for North America or Europe, but don’t worry—the nostalgic turn-based role-playing game will be released overseas.
During the Game Developers Conference, Siliconera was able to confirm with multiple trusted sources that Bravely Default: Flying Fairy will be localized for English-speaking audiences.
Look forward to playing Bravely Default…
Please be true. Really want this game!
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