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Member Since 19 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2014 02:27 PM

#278068 Titanfall boosts Xbox One UK sales by 96%, Tea and Crumpets for all.

Posted by Scumbag on 20 March 2014 - 08:46 AM

Of course it would, TitanFall is awesome.


Have to disagree, been playing it for a couple hours on Xbone and I think it's poor.

Constant screen tear and really low framerates are unacceptable, borderline unplayable especially with all that aliasing and low res. If it had 50-60fps all the time then fine I would enjoy it more.


Controller response is good when there are no Titans on screen, overall just not impressed at all. I had to remind myself this is not a 360 game.

#278020 Assassins Creed Unity Leaked

Posted by SailtheSeas on 19 March 2014 - 10:25 PM

I bet this game isn't coming to the Wii U.

#271975 Nintendo Direct Incoming!

Posted by NintendoReport on 12 February 2014 - 08:38 PM

Nintendo will announce they are moving into the mobile games space by acquiring the game, Flappy Bird

#268248 Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition PS3 vs PS4 graphics

Posted by DexterousGecko on 23 January 2014 - 01:56 PM

Yep higher price for a much lower spec console, unless your really in to the 1st party M$ stuff then why bother buying one against PS4?

xbox live friends, and it's American.


These two facts alone will sell millions for Microsoft.

#268180 Amazing Spider Man 2 Trailer

Posted by NintendoReport on 23 January 2014 - 07:36 AM

A 3rd party game! Thought Activision didn't support WiiU any more?

A 3rd party game! Thought Activision didn't support WiiU any more?


They have some balls unlike EA  :laugh:

#268077 CoD: Black Ops II or CoD: Ghosts

Posted by Akazury on 22 January 2014 - 02:50 PM

So I picked it up today together with the Triton Headset and after sinking two/three hours into story I must admit it's quite an amazing game. The game introduces the controls at a nice pace whilst setting up the story. It's a nice change of genre and that weighs heavily in my enjoyment off the game, cause neither Pikmin, Zelda nor AC and Batman you just don't get to shoot somebody that often. I guess that if you play these games every year you find the flaws and irritations much quicker while for gamers like me who'd be playing (an FPS) for the first time might just fall in love.


Tomorrow I might get into some MP, with some luck my bro wouldn't mind trying some extinction, but that's another day.

#266706 Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition PS3 vs PS4 graphics

Posted by NintendoReport on 15 January 2014 - 04:00 AM

This is not the definitive version, that would include a naked Lara Croft

#265810 Why I think the Wii U will do alright in the UK.

Posted by SailtheSeas on 10 January 2014 - 07:09 AM

I think the Wii U will do


Why am I seeing an abundance of the words 'PS4', '1080p', and '60 FPS'?


It is not in this thread specifically, but in many places on these forums, others, and in the comments sections of articles. 


I am not sure I can pin point one game, currently out, that meets this standard (not including re-released stuff). 


Wait, COD: Ghosts. I can think of one. However, everything else is 1080/30, usually upscaled. 


What annoyed me about the PS4 is how Mark Cerny referred to the console as a supercharged PC when as Nvidia pointed out, the PS4 is a low-end PC. I believe the PS4 will be a great console, but people have really fallen for the whole "PS4 is a supercharged PC", the architecture of the PS4 was already outdated prior to its launch.

#265806 Project cars screens

Posted by NintendoReport on 10 January 2014 - 06:27 AM

Ok what will you do if the game is released and doesn't live up to whatever standards you have set. Let's say once the sites that do tech breakdowns find out it isn't Native 720p and the framerate isn't stable 30FPS( not saying this will happen but its an example)? I understand because of all the negativity that has surrounded this consoles techinical ability that whenever their is a slight hope that a game will achieve more people flock to it... I personally just will wait and see... That all I was saying and have been saying the fact that it has pissed you and 3dude off... That's on you guys. To each his own. I don't judge your opinion that's my way of thinking.


I don't base my purchases off of what some blog or website says about the technical aspects of a game, whether it's a 1st party title or a 3rd party multi-plat. Project Cars devs, Shinen have both been very honest and open and I don't think there is any hyperbole coming from them when they release a statement about their upcoming Wii U titles or the capability of the Wii U itself.


There will always be people complaining about the Wii U's power, even if it had bit stronger GPU and 4 gigs of RAM... people will still sling mud. The Wii U wasn't a target for it's "specs" at release, but it became an easy way for people to speak negatively of the Wii U when there was a bad drought in software early last year and during horrible sales. Both the drought and horrible sales have absolutely nothing to do with lack of power/ higher specs.


I have to laugh when I read some comments on other forums about how the Wii U can't handle even a 3rd party 360 port.... deep down I know they are either completely ignorant and dumb or again... just slinging mud on purpose... I'll go with the latter to be nice.


To answer your direct question about, What if project cars isn't 720p or a stable 30fps? (I know it's just an example). I'll answer with this. Project Cars devs wouldn't be putting time and resources into a Wii U version if it isn't capable of providing a great looking and great playing game on the Wii U. Too much money, time, would be at stake for releasing a terrible product not to mention bad press/ blow back. This is what separates good devs from the lazy... Project Cars devs care and are fully capable about bringing a great looking game to us Wii U owners.

#265462 GET EVEN New FPS Next Gen photo realistic

Posted by Mushlikeahusky1 on 08 January 2014 - 10:03 AM



Look at the footage of the in game engine then you guys will understand why they added photo realistic.

#263482 WiiU browser screenshot thread. ****SPOILERS WITHIN****

Posted by jdub stl on 26 December 2013 - 07:43 AM

AC Black flag looks really good on the wii u might have to pick it up

#228019 Wii U Save Data Non-transferable, Why?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 01 July 2013 - 02:54 PM

Pretty sure you will be able to format it in Disk Management on Windows 8.  You just need to delete the partition on the drive (if there is one) and then create a new one as the Wii U probably messed up the partition table.

#262015 In Store Wii U Shopping

Posted by NintendoReport on 17 December 2013 - 08:13 PM

I saw a few stores... Mostly 3dworld was in short supply, sonic lost worlds was empty...


Tons of full stocked cases of Zombi u and Wonderful 101. Fricking wussy bastards.


Hah yeah they don't know what they are missing. Going to go shopping all day tomorrow, many different stores. I will compare to what I saw tonight and see what games are sitting on the shelves. Might take a few pics too.

#261946 WiiU browser screenshot thread. ****SPOILERS WITHIN****

Posted by 3Dude on 17 December 2013 - 02:51 PM

Like this?

huh. My linework help up pretty well through that. Unfortunately, I dont think thats going to work with full color images.

Bet that cat don't catch many mice! Eye eye...

Oh, the derpy fatarse is terrified of mice. Not too mention insects and other small creatures.

#261915 WiiU browser screenshot thread. ****SPOILERS WITHIN****

Posted by 3Dude on 17 December 2013 - 01:04 PM


Test attempt to grab a higher resolution image of art acadamy posts...

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