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Member Since 10 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 16 2013 01:40 PM

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CryEngine 3 Vs Frostbite Engine Ver. 3, Why such discrepancies?

12 May 2013 - 01:36 PM

So I will be the first to say I'm not huge into following how these engines work or how they designed, but one question has been nagging me.


Recently EA DICE technical director Johan Andersson stated that the Frostbite Engine tests they did on the Wii U were poor and so aren't even trying Frostbite Engine 3.


My question is why is it that CryEngine3 which is used for Crysis 3 (and was reported as running on Wii U) and the recently announced Shadow of the Eternals, which is a gorgeous engine in terms of graphical fidelity, able to run fine, yet an engine which is an equal apparently cannot.


So is Frostbite a terrible engine in comparison to CryEngine 3?


Hello All!

10 February 2013 - 03:33 PM

Just started here, hope to participate in some active discussions about the present and future of the Wii U. I own a store in this industry (small mom + pop) and so I'm no stranger to all things games. Let me know if you have any introductory questions!

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