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Member Since 01 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2014 12:25 AM

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[Humor/Explicit] Completely Accurate Gaming History: Wii U

20 July 2013 - 10:21 PM

Just found this not sure if anyone saw this, I got a kick out of it anyway...

What are your impressions on the OS so far?

05 March 2013 - 02:14 AM

Overall I'm quite satisfied with the OS for only owning the console for a few days. The Miiverse integration is awesome and I love seeing all the posts and amazing sketches from people all around the world. 


The ambient music/jingles are a BIG step up from the original Wii's menu music and channel themes; they sound like actual songs now instead of chipped music and are a lot less prone to cause headaches (in my case). I love how on some titles/apps the music coming from the TV and gamepad are not the same, but work together to make a really nice sounding song; I actually turn the console on just for the music sometimes (I wish Miiverse music lasted way longer...).


Now I know the system is not without it's flaws. I have had to cut the power from the console a few times due to system lockups, but that's not surprising due to the systems age as of now. Give it time and let the system flourish!


I couldn't get the remote feature to work with my Insignia 32" so I haven't really messed with TVii a whole lot...  


I can't wait to try out the chat feature and get my hands on some Virtual Console titles! I never played VC on the original Wii but I think It just seems right this time around with the gamepad and all. 


Holding my breath for the Spring update! What new unannounced features do you think Nintendo will add to the system besides the obvious speed improvements and added Miiverse functionality? 

Hey all!

01 March 2013 - 01:04 AM

Greetings from Downriver Detroit! This forum is going to be a great place to discuss stuff about the Wii U. Hope we all have fun!

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