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Member Since 13 Jun 2011Offline Last Active May 21 2013 11:37 AM
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- Member Title Spear Guy
- Age 32 years old
- Birthday November 17, 1992
Watching anime, using the computer, playing games, being arrogant online, being an introvert IRL
Team Fortress 2
#73383 Oh, uh hi
Posted by GwJumpman
on 20 April 2012 - 01:50 PM
#13883 the dream i had about the Wii U
Posted by GwJumpman
on 12 July 2011 - 05:30 AM
- PK-Gaming, Andy and Kiki Neko-Chan like this
#13882 Regarding posts in "Introduction Central"
Posted by GwJumpman
on 12 July 2011 - 05:28 AM
- Feld0 and BazzDropperz like this
#13879 -
Posted by GwJumpman
on 12 July 2011 - 05:25 AM
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#13762 Post your beautiful face
Posted by GwJumpman
on 11 July 2011 - 12:46 PM
#13747 Savings check! :P
Posted by GwJumpman
on 11 July 2011 - 11:59 AM
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#6989 Post your desktop
Posted by GwJumpman
on 15 June 2011 - 09:44 AM

I'll post another later since mine scroll every ten minutes.
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#6350 Zelda Timeline Discussion
Posted by GwJumpman
on 14 June 2011 - 04:51 PM
Q. There's no timeline. It's just a bunch of games with no order, why do you bother with this?
A. There's a timeline. Shut up.
Q. What do you mean timeline? Isn't the NES Zelda first?
A. No. If you were told about World War II first, then learned about the Revolutionary War, wouldn't you question the order? Would you logically think World War II happened first, because you were taught about it first? Point is, the games don't logically make sense when you put them in the chronological order of when they were made.
Q. Does the timeline split?
A. Yes, this was confirmed twice.
Question: Where does The Wind Waker fit into the overall Zelda series timeline?
Aonuma: You can think of this game as taking place over a hundred years after Ocarina of Time. You can tell this from the opening story, and there are references to things from Ocarina located throughout the game as well.
Miyamoto: Well, wait, which point does the hundred years start from?
Aonuma: From the end.
Miyamoto: No, I mean, as a child or as a...
Aonuma: Oh, right, let me elaborate on that. Ocarina of Time basically has two endings of sorts; one has Link as a child and the other has him as an adult. This game, The Wind Waker, takes place a hundred years after the adult Link defeats Ganon at the end of Ocarina.
Miyamoto: This is pretty confusing for us, too. (laughs) So be careful.
Question: Where does The Wind Waker fit into the overall timeline of the Legend of Zelda?
Mr. Aonuma: In terms of the storyline, we've decided that this takes place 100 years after the events in The Ocarina of Time. We think that as you play through the game, you'll notice that in the beginning the storyline explains some of the events in The Ocarina of Time. You'll also find hints of things from The Ocarina of Time that exist in The Wind Waker.
Mr. Aonuma: There's also a more complicated explanation. If you think back to the end of The Ocarina of Time, there were two endings to that game in different time periods. First Link defeated Ganon as an adult, and then he actually went back to being a child. You could say that The Wind Waker takes place 100 years after the ending in which Link was an adult.
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