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Member Since 09 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 12 2013 01:31 AM

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In Topic: is it true the wii u will be destroyed by ps4?

12 March 2013 - 12:33 AM

When the PS4 arrives it will destroy the Wii-U and Nintendo so bad that they go into liquidation.   :P

Yeah, destroy lol... you mean like the xbox was destroyed with no games? Or how WIIU ports like Mass Effect 3 destroy Ps3's? Yeah the lies will continue to dispurse as more and more people buy the WIIU... its just that we Nintendo players are actually using our console, not trolling other people's crap. Sony and MS both have their own issues lol. Sony just wants to survive, and MS couldnt care less, ready to subsidize their xbox brand, while Nintendo holds true to their roots... Still the Luck Of Heaven. Still number 1. Still innovating while others take notes, and slightly upgrade their graphics, and imitate Nintendo's innovations lol. Nothing has changed since Nintendo first arrived...

What's that got to do with anything. Sorry but that makes no sense nor is there any logic in that. Besides there is precedence for this in the previous generation where the PS2 outsold the GameCube by a significant margin. I'm not saying the PS4 will do the same to the Wii U but at the same time no one can say the opposite either unless they have a crystal ball that looks into the future. The PS4 will likely hold its own against the Wii U as it offers several features and experiences the Wii U doesn't. Unless the Wii U gets strong third party support its going to have a tough time as Nintendo's first party games are not going to be enough to make it successful. Unlike the Wii its not aimed primarily at the casual and non-gamer market but is competing far more with the same the market as what Sony and Microsoft traditionally have aimed their consoles at.

Funny you mention the crystal ball thing, then assume Nintendo wont survive for lack of 3rd party? lol. Most 3rd p games are crap, and can be played anywhere else...

In Topic: I think the PS4 specs are a lie

09 March 2013 - 10:36 AM

Wow. I remember when fanboys from sony were calling the WIIU cpu underpowered and horrible lol. Now that the ps4 has an underclocked cpu, now they understan why lol. Idiots. Its good to hear finally now that the ps4 specs are out, that WIIU will not be another WII, which is what has been said since the bgining by Nintendo and other devz. WIIU will be sailing smooth untill its next console that will repeat this trend and eclipse the ps4 just as it has the ps3 and 360. Troll fanboys can now continue their defensive rants here-------------->

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