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Nick Ellingworth

Member Since 16 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active May 12 2013 06:31 AM

#194385 Gaming PC build

Posted by Nick Ellingworth on 14 April 2013 - 02:16 AM

There's one very important thing I'd want to know before I make an recommendations; do you have a monitor, mouse and keyboard that you could use for this PC? I ask because if you don't have these it could quite drastically reduce what you can afford to spend on the PC itself.


I can also give you some good advice that applies no matter what. The first is don't skimp on the power supply, seriously make sure you get a good one if you don't you'll almost certainly regret it in the long run. Secondly made sure you get a Solid State Drive for your OS as a minimum but ideally get a bigger one you can install a few games on too. You will probably want a regular hard drive along side the SSD for document storage etc.

#190661 Hardcore multiplayer FPS needed

Posted by Nick Ellingworth on 05 April 2013 - 10:30 PM

I have to agree in some ways with the OP, a good competitive multiplayer FPS would be a good game to have on the Wii U particularly if it's an exclusive. However I don't think it should be a Call of Duty clone, there's enough of those stinking up the market at the moment plus they bring with them 12 year old brats who insist on screaming down the microphone about their opponent's mothers social lives. ;)


Being serious though I would love to see a decent FPS on the Wii U, but if it's another greyish brown CoD clone which has you hiding behind walls sucking your thumb until you've magically regenerated your health you can count me out. The main reason I bought a Wii U was so I could get games which didn't follow that now all to common formula.

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