Member Since 20 Mar 2013Offline Last Active Apr 02 2013 12:20 PM
About Me
Hello, and welcome to my page~
My real and actually name is Leo, as you know, this account is based out of Tekken's Leo or Eleonore Kliesen. I for one on the gender debate claim Leo as a male, due to the fact Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is a spinoff whereas everything stated is uncanniocal. Therefore, Leo is a boy. With just a tad of feminity xD;
Now aside from my little gender rant, it's a pleasure to meet everyone of you in this bulletin board.
I'm am known in the Playstation Network as PK-Lucas, XBOX Live as FissionTakeshi (subject to change), the Steam Community as Major League Hilbert and the Nintendo Network as Dantel. I do have a a Twitter page as well: @solitonmedic
I also do roleplays, such as my original characters, Takeshi Runio, and Oliver Branford. I also RP as Leo/Eleonore Kliesen. If you like a see a bio, feel free to send me a message saying so and I'll be happy to send you one!
Some RP themes I do and don't.
• Normal (everyday life)
• Gore
• Adventure
• Smut (Note, all smutty RP's are AU unless stated otherwise, and I wish to control the amount to which they're AU if that's OK... Some people don't realize that when the RP is AU, my character is single... HE /is/ single... when AU, so... do understand that.)
• Humor
• Lit (Where 1 paragraph is about four lines)
• Script
• Yaoi (Only do that on my France account. Nowhere else.)
• Scat, vore, etc
• Genderbending
• MPreg
Conditions you must meet to RP with me:
• Don’t be a jerk, Wii U admins will be informed in advanced.
• Actually /try/ to RP and not troll
• Read the bio (and thus understand my character)
• Don’t type in text-talk: kinda lyk dis cuz I then dlt u 4eva
• Do give me constructive criticism
• Do tell me if I’m godmodding (I don’t mean to)
• Talk to me, the Admin
• Don’t Godmod
• Play nice, basically.
With that said, have fun and happy spelunking!
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 15
- Profile Views 8,394
- Member Title Spiked Goomba
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday August 25, 1994
Boston, Massuchuetts
Hiking during my free time, spelunking into caves, fighting, exploring whenever I'm not fighting, just living life with freedom with not a care in the world.
Team Fortress, Lost Saga, Tekken
Contact Information
Website URL
- NNID Dantel