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Member Since 04 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2013 08:56 PM

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In Topic: Does anyone else think this would be a good wii U game?

04 April 2013 - 08:57 PM

@soul - I had a look at the youtube video for need to speed. Yes same thing.Thanks for pointing that out.It was interesting to see.

In Topic: Does anyone else think this would be a good wii U game?

04 April 2013 - 05:00 AM

@Prime Minister Goto - well the course would be open area - similar to the Dakar Rally. The idea is to play it at home with another family member or friend, online wouldn't work as player two basically has to instruct, verbally, the driver to get the car to the finish post. The two players play in co-operation. If you're driving a rally car across terrain like the sahara or even some of the smaller courses, as it's a race, the driver can't stop to figure out the route, the co-drivar actually reads a map and tells the driver where to turn and where the easiest terrain to cross is. However, in actual races this map is a height terrain map so it's quite hard to figure out. Player one (the driver) would basically see out the car window and very little else, they wouldm't know what was around the next bend, he would need player two to provide that information, so in essence the two players play teh game in tandem. It is of course true about needing a wii remote as well as a wii u gamepad so that is a definite negative of this type of game.

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