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Member Since 04 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2013 08:56 PM

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Does anyone else think this would be a good wii U game?

04 April 2013 - 02:00 AM

When I first saw the Wii U I immediately thought of a cross country rally game with 2 players, one player acts as driver and has a wii remote the other has the wii u gamepad with a minimap and acts as the navigator. Similar to a real cross country race, so it's a sort of co-operative gameplay. 


I tried to create this game myself but couldn't raise the funds, and at the time nIntendo approval was a bit hard to get when one works from a home office. Bit of a no-brainer idea and obvious and I was wondering whether there were such games coming out soon, whether the rumor mill had pointed to any? I also was wondering what people's opinion was on this sort of gameplay?rallygame1.jpg Please excuse the poor mockup - I'm not an artist I can just about manage to cut together a bad image in photoshop.



Hi from Nuremberg, Germany

04 April 2013 - 01:38 AM

Just to say hello to everybody. Been a Wii user since it came out now contemplating the Wii U. I'm a game programmer and designer and thought I'd come and get a heads up about stuff happening with the wii U and see what the fanbase is like.



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