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- → Viewing Profile: Topics: elvisbeck
Member Since 14 Apr 2013Offline Last Active Jan 09 2016 06:40 PM
About Me
My name is Dave but my friends call me Elvis
I've loved playing video games ever since my childhood. I enjoy playing sports games, Pokemon on my 3DS and Super Mario.
If you wish to know more, then feel free to send me a message or email me. You can also send me a friend request on your Wii U or 3DS. I am here to find new friends.
And to expand my Wii U and 3DS friends list.
Remember to always think positive, be positive, and act positive. Have a happy day all! Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel!
My name is Dave but my friends call me Elvis
I've loved playing video games ever since my childhood. I enjoy playing sports games, Pokemon on my 3DS and Super Mario.
If you wish to know more, then feel free to send me a message or email me. You can also send me a friend request on your Wii U or 3DS. I am here to find new friends.
And to expand my Wii U and 3DS friends list.
Remember to always think positive, be positive, and act positive. Have a happy day all! Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel!
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 160
- Profile Views 25,594
- Member Title Blooper
- Age 40 years old
- Birthday October 6, 1984
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
Video games, sports, comic books, card collecting, cooking, YouTube
Super Mario, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!
Contact Information
Website URL
http:// www.youtube.com/user/elvisbeck
- NNID elvisdavebeck
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Topics I've Started
Mario Maker on my YouTube channel
08 September 2015 - 04:11 PM
Im doing Super Mario Maker on my YouTube channel soon. I was thinking I could create a water level with those spiky wheels. Any ideas on what other levels I could make?
Mario and Luigi characters in Mario Kart?
04 September 2015 - 11:01 AM
Would you like to see any Mario and Luigi characters in the next Mario Kart? If so, who would you like to see?
Nintendo wants to make movies again
23 August 2015 - 07:11 PM
Check out the story here: http://uproxx.com/ga...-film-business/
Best game ever?
29 July 2015 - 11:23 AM
In your opinion, what is the best Nintendo game ever made?
Splatoon YouTube update
25 June 2015 - 04:19 AM
Good morning everyone! Stay tuned to my YouTube channel, for Splatoon videos will be coming soon!
My question is:
After the 1st Splatoon episode, should I continue my Super Mario Bros U or Mario Kart 8 series or continue Splatoon and save those for later? Also, should I play Lego Jurassic World on my channel?
My question is:
After the 1st Splatoon episode, should I continue my Super Mario Bros U or Mario Kart 8 series or continue Splatoon and save those for later? Also, should I play Lego Jurassic World on my channel?
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