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Member Since 20 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 23 2013 04:46 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: So how about this update.

22 April 2013 - 09:55 AM

No consoles will get bricked, the update will probably be small, and we don't like people trolling on here.

I have a question?

I don't know this person but have to ask how this is a troll???????? 



In fact it is a perfectly legitimate question. You will find no bigger fan of the Wii than me but I have seen updates make bricks out of a previously good working item
In the short time that I have been here I have seen several instances where people have been very, very quick to holler "Troll" without taking into account all of the facts. Gentlemen and ladies the Wii does not need defending, it has its own niche and it does it better than any other console.

I can understand you wanting to stand up for the console you believe in but come on the least little thing.

I apologize if I have made someone mad and you may kick me off the forums but that will be all right because I certainly will not have to be questioning my ethics or character.

In Topic: Favorite RPGs of all time

22 April 2013 - 09:16 AM

My role-playing is limited to what they had at the senior citizens center. At first they were a little overwhelming and I died a lot and after playing for a while it is still overwhelming but I die a little less.
Gothic two
Two Worlds

My role-playing is limited to what they had at the senior citizens center. At first they were a little overwhelming and I died a lot and after playing for a while it is still overwhelming but I die a little less.
Gothic two
Two Worlds

In Topic: A need to really understand the Wii U

21 April 2013 - 04:02 PM

I wish to apologize to everyone here for forgetting to tick the subscribe button, so I had no idea that anyone had replied to my post. Please accept my most humble apologie.

I had envisioned having it when my grandson got down here as a surprise but after finding out some of the things about this unit, I believe it is best to wait until he is here and let him tell me if he wants it or not.

I really appreciate everyone taking the time and trouble to answer my post and give me the information that I needed.


it's a trap!  beware the trolls



What grandpa a. knows how to find a site like this and make an account and b. has friends who don't like the Wii U and want to talk about Playstation 4?  Too suspicious for me to give a serious response.    


I must say this post has given me quite a laugh, although I am not used to anyone questioning my ethics
or character – it is still funny. Perhaps it is because you are uneducated as to my situation!

I live in a small town that consists of a very tiny post office, a combination fiiling station and grocery store and a small repair shop that fixes everything from an automobile to the toaster. It boasts 225 feet of sidewalk on one side of the highway, a crossroads – one caution light and a heck of the mosquito population. While it will not give New York City or Washington DC any great competition, it gets the job done but no gaming mosquitoes.

The nearest town of any size is 39 miles away, which in my younger days was a hop skip and jump but today is a major undertaking. It has a senior center and that is where I became acquainted with the Wii, later the Xbox and even later the PlayStation three. The most popular program there is "country line dance", no rap or hip-hop here.

As far as the friends, they were not friends – just two people I met at the store where I was buying some batteries and trying to get some information while I was there. I only talked to them for two or possibly 3 min, so I would not exactly call them a friend.

Me and my grandson both agree on one thing, if we had to have one console – it would be the Wii. So you will have to look for somewhere else to find the troll.

In Topic: Hello

20 April 2013 - 11:46 AM

I wish to thank all for the warm welcome

thank you

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