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Member Since 20 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 23 2013 04:46 AM

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A need to really understand the Wii U

21 April 2013 - 12:30 AM

The first of next month my grandson will be coming down to live with me and thusly my thought on purchasing the Wii U. I almost did so today but hesitated because I could not see how I could use that controller to play my game's. I mostly play sports with my Wii, I play tennis, baseball, bowling, archery and table tennis. The motion sensor and nunchuck do a great job and make you feel almost like you are actually participating but I cannot see how that game pad can do that. It seems that game--pad is getting ever body back to the couch potato.
The only two people that have any knowledge about the system returned theirs to the store and did not seem to want to talk about it too much. They wanted to talk about the PlayStation four. The Wii that I now have has given me so much enjoyment over the past six months, I really want to know what I am missing here.

I don't play what most people would call normal game's on the Wii, it's all about movement and getting off the couch – I would hate to have to rely completely on the kinect. So if someone would be so kind as to tell me if controllers is the only way the U is now and there is no get off the couch to it or not.
Thank you so much




Written by Dragon NaturallySpeaking


20 April 2013 - 09:54 AM

I am 79 yrs old and from USA, I now own an xbox 360 kinect and a wii white console. I am considering a U but am wondering if I am going to loose all that I have in the system I now own. All I have read is confusing and I live out on a farm.Not many gaming people here.

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