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Member Since 23 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 11 2013 02:28 PM

About Me

Hello & welcome to ‘about me’ I’m Mr Destri, a musician and gamer, I’ve Been playing video games since the megadrive/snes era, I never really got into it before that, as I was playing in bands and was generally out and about socialising in music circles, gigs etc..


After the megadrive it was PS One, I bought just about every major release for the system, however I totally missed out on the PS2 era as the music bug had gotten a hold of me again.


Next up was the Wii, I loved the system but started dabbling with other consoles, my son had an Xbox 360, which I purchased for him, after the demise of his beloved PS2 (I never played it)

Eventually I got my own Xbox 360 but still played the Wii regular with friends on Mario Karts,


I then purchased a PS3, and once I heard a successor to the Wii was in development I sold the Wii quickly, to still benefit from what at the time was a still fairly lucrative second hand market for the Wii system (mercenary I know... but you have to get what you can!)



That brings me up to date, other than I run my own small gaming community, mainly aimed at the Xbox 360 (and next gen), but we have PS3/4 sections & also Wii U sections, but I’m afraid I’m on my own where the Wii is concerned, so don’t worry I’m not here to poach, I have a genuine interest in the Nintendo/Wii U games & consoles, which my fellow gamers on my forum don’t share.




I write and record electronic music, using Reason .4 & my Korg X5 D, keyboard


I write and record punk music, using a Boss BR 800 digital recorder, a Tokai Les Paul guitar & Ibanez Soundgear bass guitar... 


You can find these music tracks around the web! [Mr Destri]

Community Stats

  • Group Members
  • Active Posts 16
  • Profile Views 6,947
  • Member Title Spiked Goomba
  • Age Age Unknown
  • Birthday July 25
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
  • Fandom
    No More Heroes, Mario Karts Wii

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