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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2012 12:15 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Batman looks better on PS3 than wii u?

11 June 2012 - 01:44 PM

Both screenshots look fine to me. The 2 joker ones look identical. As for the batman one, the city really isn't shown, so can't really compare that. As for Batman himself, his suit just looks shinier in the U version.

Honestly, those are two different pictures taken at different areas of the game, at different angles and with different suits. The PS3 suit being leather and the Wii U suit being METAL.

In Topic: My Ideas For a New Ice Climbers Game

13 July 2012 - 09:30 PM

Actually, Non-specific Action Figure, those ideas are amazing! the would actually go perfectly with the Multiplayer segments. You could have each type of game categorized accordingly with your ideas sorted through them as stages for selection. Things like "The Elevator Broke" would fall perfectly under Survival and others like "Summit" would go under King of the Hill. It fits perfectly! I wonder who would handle the game better, Sakurai or Retro? Or maybe a different team altogether? I plan to somehow make a demonstration of this (which would in no way be anytime soon) and find a way to send it to a developer within the company. I've submitted Ideas before that eerily found their way into games but I want to guarantee that this has a chance of at least being seen. If that doesn't work, I'll hold the Idea for a couple of years and revive it after I complete college as a Graphic Design Artist.


In Topic: My Ideas For a New Ice Climbers Game

10 June 2012 - 08:49 PM

I wrote a blog about this that was actually featured on IGN a while back. The ideas are very different from yours, though. Yours could be really interesting, but they may as well make a new IP if they do this.

Link? Also, seeing as Ice Climbers was basically an arcade time-waster, there's nothing to actually build on without completely restructuring the franchise. Going by the logic that games that take a different route should just be new IP's, then we wouldn't get sequels or reboots that do any justice to their original counterparts. I'm thinking of Kid Icarus when I think of this game.

In Topic: The Food you can eat forever

17 January 2012 - 11:40 AM

Another food that is addicting is Ramen noodles! I could eat those things for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.

I used to eat Ramen a lot, and I mean A LOT, but now whenever I think about it I get nauseous.

In Topic: Your hired to change the Wii U's name. What would you call Nintendo's...

12 January 2012 - 06:48 AM


No! The Bad-Ass Motha' 4000! Goes twice as fast as your ass!

(thumbs if you get the reference)

But seriously, I would either let it stay named Wii U, drop the Wii part so it's just The U, make it Wii Ultra, or name it the NStream.

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