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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2012 12:15 PM

#52701 Why Having Gamecube Backwards Compatibility Only Makes Sense

Posted by SparktehFox on 08 January 2012 - 07:44 PM

As it's been said on other mediums, it is not as simple to allow backwards compatibility as a simple line of code. There is a lot of work behind making a console backwards compatible and we're already getting full compatibility with Wii games, an entire generation. At least Nintendo allows a single previous gen's compatibility unlike Microsoft and Sony's PS3 who only allowed limited backwards compatibility and now gives none at all. It doesn't matter that it CAN be done, it's all of the extra work that makes it possible. People tend to forget that the Wii was an entire gen and we've already got that. It's not like it went from GCN to WiiU.

#47685 Your Favorite Of Link's Companions.

Posted by SparktehFox on 16 December 2011 - 06:55 PM

This is truly what I think of the King of Red Lions...


#45671 Grand Theft Auto V officially announced

Posted by SparktehFox on 07 December 2011 - 10:01 AM

rockstar have said a wii u version is possible but they are motivated by "economic opportunity" so basically they want to see how well it sells first

With the game just now going into development it's safe to say that they'll be at least 1-2 years before it releases and they haven't released any platform information yet. So we'll have to see where they go from here.

#22181 Ban the last poster!

Posted by SparktehFox on 16 August 2011 - 05:38 PM

Banned because this.

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#21895 Metroid fans watch this

Posted by SparktehFox on 15 August 2011 - 03:29 PM

But the thing is, metroid other m's story was not what fans wanted, it was dull and it was like they had to keep reminding us, samus is a girl, when really Samus is a bad-ass and thats all that matters. This is why metroid prime rocked!

It doesn't matter if it's the story fan's want, what matters is if the story plays it's role, and that it does. I believe it does an excellent job portraying Samus' humanity and does well to prove that she has a soul and is a person. not just some "bad-ass" that's good at killing things and has a heart. I can't vouch for other gamers but when I get a character, I want them to be developed and have a purpose.

#21828 Metroid fans watch this

Posted by SparktehFox on 15 August 2011 - 11:26 AM

Excellent Editorial, both informative and professional. I just have a few gripes. First, I don't believe Metroid is anywhere near dead, nor do I believe Nintendo would begin to shun one of their key franchises as Capcom has done with Megaman. I also hate when people purely blame Team Ninja for Other M or say that it is a bad game. Other M is an excellent addition to the franchise and delves into Samus's character; something that had never truly been done before. The idea to make the game more story driven belongs solely to the co-creator of the Metroid Series Yoshio Sakamoto and he was right to do so. The only problem with it is that the majority of gamers today are immature children who care nothing about story and think a great game is Call of Duty. Granted they could've hired a better English voice actor or allowed Japanese dubs with English subs. Lastly, this was long as the fire pit below us!

#21352 Do you think Nintendo should move to the iPhone?

Posted by SparktehFox on 13 August 2011 - 07:30 PM

Oh come on. I respond to what you said about SEGA then you quote me, but you actually somehow manage to miss what I said so you just go and restate what you said before. I should not have to repeat myself.

Let me reiterate. Going by what you've said, Nintendo should make a "planned transition" from being a first party to becoming a third party. Apparently, you believe Nintendo can do just as well if they "cut their losses" and stop developing consoles only to support Sony. In actuality, If Nintendo where to drop console development and just become a video game producer they would lose console sales, 3rd party support, 2nd party support, have to pay portions of their money to Sony and give Sony licensing to their franchises allowing Sony rights to Nintendo's creations. Nintendo would ultimately lose billions and have to resort to allowing M$ third party support as well. More money would be lost in development costs, and Nintendo would merely become a shadow of it's former self becoming Sega.

And as to how Sega was "forced" into becoming a third party we can see near the same basic "strategy". Console sales flop and as such Sega goes on to spread it's [dreamcast] titles to other consoles until ultimately they stopped production of consoles and announced that they'd become a third party. This is the route Nintendo would take if they decided to become a third party regardless of if they are "forced" to or not.

This Graph Shows what happened to Sega as they became a third party.
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#20603 Do you think Nintendo should move to the iPhone?

Posted by SparktehFox on 11 August 2011 - 12:16 PM

I'm just going to say I disagree with the guy. Just saying this is not my opinion. Clearing it up.

I don;t think anyone's mad at you but those guys can go suck it.

#20584 Do you think Nintendo should move to the iPhone?

Posted by SparktehFox on 11 August 2011 - 09:47 AM

OH **** to the ******* naw!!! Give me a list of ppl and a 2x4! It's time to do some ******* CARPENTRY!!!!

These people that know nothing of how gamers think or how the entertainment industry works need to fall off their high horse. There is no way Nintendo would move to being a crappy app producer or become a third party. Another thing that shows these ppl have no idea what they are talking about, is this quote

The flop of the 3DS debut prompted the company to slash prices 40 percent in Japan starting today, the first time the games developer has resorted to such a move within six months of a product’s debut.

Nothing in this sentence is true nor holds any merit. These guys need to look at more than money or lose their jobs altogether, the economy isn't just money, it's people. And the fact that they don't bring up any numbers to back these "what Ninty should do" claims is utter crap.

M-I-F-F-E-D Miffed!

#17332 Nintendo is not doing well???

Posted by SparktehFox on 29 July 2011 - 01:34 AM

It's all about the Benjamins, baby.  First off the price drop is Nintendo taking advantage of their ability to do so, and the loss is not a great one with Nintendo losing only about 5$ AT MAX, which could easily be offset by upcoming holiday sales and a competitive leverage against it's competition. I'm thinking of the Wii sales with this one. While there were those of us who got the Wii because we knew about the investment, others just got it because it was the cheapest thing which will easily be the 3DS this Christmas. The Vita will be selling at a loss of 70$ per console for the basic WiFi version and the extra 50$ for the 3G version is basically just your first payment toward AT&T for the service (I wouldn't mind 3G but Ninty has it right on this one. Free 3G or none at all). They do not plan on making any profit for the PSV for at least three years which is pretty humiliating especially when you take into consideration that it's still an expensive piece. And while people "accept" the price for the Vita now they will all but abandon that hype once it sells, just as the 3DS suffered. People believed that the 3DS would easily be 300-350 dollars but that was changed to 250$. Even though people were ecstatic for the price they still mother doged and moaned about it after they got it. Now people shouldn't have much to complain about with the 3DS only being 20$ more than the 3DS when it launched, and Sony wouldn't dare try to compete with that price, seeing as they already look stupid for copying the 3DS line in the first place and making it hella expensive.

Secondly Nintendo's first party titles almost always bring bank. That being said, Nintendo does not have to separate development cost with these games because they are developed in house. This easily breaks off whatever little loss the 3DS causes. Sony on the other hand ALWAYS has to share first party profits seeing as they do not actually develop games but moreso hire third parties to become exclusive for Sony effectively making them second parties. Second parties can easily walk away from a company as well as we've seen RARE get bought off Nintendo and BUNGIE fall off with M$. This gives Ninty a much larger advantage from an economic standpoint. And with Nintendo easily being able to offset their losses with huge upcoming titles such as Super Mario, Mario Kart, Luigi's Mansion, RE Revelations, whatever GRASSHOPPER has up their sleeve, and more we could easily see another price drop in a year or so. Maybe less, while Sony won't be able to make any changes until their three year drought is up IF things go well at all!

Nintendo is Still doing great and much better than Sony when you compare the economics of the situation.

#12916 Vigil Games Discuss Darksiders II development on Wii Ultra

Posted by SparktehFox on 07 July 2011 - 02:04 PM

Wait. Wii Ultra? Did you make this up? It's Wii U as in We You. No offense, but if you're going on a Wii U forum at least watch a E3 replay and don't just make things up.

Everyone knows that the Wii U is a euphemism for "We, You" but if you paid attention to Reggie's speech he clearly stated that the U could mean anything for example Utopia/Unifying and some people have brought it upon themselves to add on to the U. Trust me I've watched the E3 presentation twice all the way through and it's there. The first person to actually call it the "Wii Ultra" was ECCWii.

#10721 Thread of Legends

Posted by SparktehFox on 24 June 2011 - 03:21 PM

I have an apposing question. Who has actually reached legend status? Characters that even non-gamers can identify and relate to. So far I know Mario and Sonic have reached legendary status, but what other gaming icon has done so?

I believe the legends at this moment (besides Mario and Sonic) are;

There are most likely a lot more, seeing as gaming has existed for so long and it's no surprise that older franchises would be more established than things like HALO, and as the latter may be popular this day, a legend is a character that defines a genre and can be identified even by those who do not dabble in such affairs. An analogy would be Kobe Bryant::Michael Jordan. While one may be exceedingly popular, they still cannot be considered legends until their name becomes more than that.

#9975 Will Wii U Change the "Hardcore" Opinion?

Posted by SparktehFox on 21 June 2011 - 07:26 PM

So you're saying that Farmville can be considered a hardcore game?

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#6822 Wii U will not play DVD's Do you care?

Posted by SparktehFox on 15 June 2011 - 05:33 AM

This is one of the things people ranted over when the Wii was released. Nintendo hadn't put a DVD player in because they felt it wasn't important and that most homes already had a DVD player! They also didn't put it in HD because it was still early technology and they didn't believe enough people had it at the moment to warrant it important.

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