I was thinking we have mods and they go around the WHOLE place they are barely in the chatbox what if there was a certain type of mod who could only mod the chatbox but there should be like 2 "chat mods" if there should ever be any see this gives the regular mods more time to mod the rest of the forum while the chat is secured and they can still mod it though.....its not THAT bad of an idea LOL just a suggestion
(please excuse my poor writing LOL)
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Member Since 13 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Apr 19 2012 12:02 PM
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DOCTOR WHO N' YOSHI dont need more
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15 July 2011 - 11:12 AM
A starting member FINALLY!
13 June 2011 - 07:38 PM
You all know me.....right?LOL
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