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Member Since 03 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2013 09:05 PM

#215356 hello from Japan!

Posted by japanders on 03 June 2013 - 09:23 PM

Umm...my college roommate was from here and invited me to come visit for a few weeks.I got the "non tourist" tour and had a ton of fun and wanted to come back!

My wife got a job here after school, and we've been running around central Japan for almost 2 years now! The food is good, Mt.Fuji is amazing, and the people are friendly.I totally recommend it!

#215346 hello from Japan!

Posted by japanders on 03 June 2013 - 08:56 PM

Kansas?! I'm from Nebraska!

#215340 hello from Japan!

Posted by japanders on 03 June 2013 - 08:17 PM

Hey everyone, I'm from the US but have been living in Japan for a few years.  just bought my U last month.Anyway, I only read a little Japanese and was wondering if anyone out there could help me out on a few games.

Thanks in advance, and let me know if I can answer any questions you have about Japan!

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