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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2011 07:59 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: So, what 3DS games do you have preordered?

15 June 2011 - 10:35 AM

Well I just bought DOA:D and BlazBlue on a whim. XD

In Topic: What Consoles do you have?

15 June 2011 - 09:34 AM

I've got:

Nintendo 64
Virtual Boy
2 Gameboy Colors
Gameboy Advance
Nintendo 3DS

And a bunch of random little things like a Pocket Pikachu and Atari SuperPong which can't really be called consoles. Oh and a broken Gameboy brick. lol

I would have a DS Lite and a DSi as well, but I traded them in towards the next system :D (DSLite->DSi->3DS)


In Topic: What do YOU want the Wii U to be for the consumer?

14 June 2011 - 09:13 AM

I agree with what you are saying. I don't buy my games from Walmart. As I was saying, I don't like those games but there are people who actually like those games. They shouldn't be ignored because they like games that some don't like. Yes it is hard to find good titles for the Wii. That is the developers fault not Nintendo. They didn't want the extra work and just want to port over games. I feel it still needs to be mixed. I feel a game in every genre should be out around the same time. Shovel ware comes with every system. People determine what shovel ware is. My niece and nephews love those games also they love move advanced games to. If you played those games you might find them fun. I don't want any gamer alienated.

Ok, yes, gamers shouldn't be alienated - but they shouldn't be tricked into purchasing absolute crap either. It bothers me when I see some poor, uninformed parent or grandparent buying a game that I know their kid will play for an hour and then drop forever. For instance - there are so many games that are produced in VERY short time, and then the developer who made it (that nobody's heard of) changes one or two things in the game, and then resells it under another title. And then does it again. And again. I was at KMart the other day, and I saw 3 games next to eachother, it was like "Chicken Shoot", "Alien Hunt", and "Western Showdown" or something like that. All three games were made by the same company, they all had the exact same 3rd party gun peripheral (with different coloring), and they all had the EXACT SAME SCREENSHOTS on the back, with character models changed. Its pathetic. And that stuff happens all the time.

In Topic: So, what 3DS games do you have preordered?

14 June 2011 - 08:53 AM

I've had my 3DS since launch, but I haven't got a single game yet. I have The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D preordered, though, so... only 3 more days!

I hate you.
*has to wait 5 days* ;_;

In Topic: Best Deal you ever got on a Game?

14 June 2011 - 08:49 AM

Well I don't have a whole lot in the way of great deals on games themselves, but I've gotten a couple consoles for cheap.

I got a virtual boy in working condition at a random church rummage sale for $7 with RED ALARM included.
I also got a Game Boy Advance for $2 at a yard sale.

Yard/rummage sales are awesome, especially when they are in rich neighborhoods where the people are only concerned with getting rid of stuff rather than making money. Or in really poor neighborhoods where people have no idea what the heck a Nintendo is and sell them for pennies. lol

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