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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2011 07:59 AM

Topics I've Started

What do YOU want the Wii U to be for the consumer?

14 June 2011 - 08:00 AM

Personally, I want the Wii U to be mostly focused on a hardcore market, but still have some appeal to casual gamers. I definitely DON'T want to see the majority of the library taken up by games like the ones Nintendo showed at E3. I would really like to see developers use the Wii U's touchscreen primarily as an inventory/map screen, similar to the bottom screen for many DS titles. If the motion/touch controls are forced on third party developers, I have a feeling that hardcore titles will have much less appeal to the traditional gamer. I mean - nobody is going to choose the Wii U to play Battlefield if you have to move the huge controller around to aim your crosshairs, they'd choose to play the title on a different console. That might not be the best example, but it should make some sense.

If those hardcore titles like Darksiders II, Battlefield, Call of Duty etc. allow for use of the Classic Controller Pro *without* the new controller (or, more ideally, a new Classic Controller for Wii U) then I will be ecstatic.

EDIT: For clarity, when I said "games like the ones Nintendo showed at E3", I meant the first party demos (Chase Mii, Wii U Sports), NOT the third party titles that were revealed in the software lineup video.

So, what 3DS games do you have preordered?

14 June 2011 - 07:16 AM

Personally I own SSFIV3D, and I have Zelda 3D and RE: The Mercs 3D preordered.
Also can't wait for Cave Story, and of course all of the first party awesomeness coming out before the end of the year.

Wii U Controller speculation (concept, possible applications)

14 June 2011 - 06:55 AM


When I first saw the Wii U controller, this is what I imagined Nintendo was thinking:

Wii is successful
UDraw is (for SOME reason) successful


Haha... But anyways, then thinking about it, I imagine that Nintendo just wants to ride on the hype of tablet devices like the iPad, and that seemed to be demonstrated with the controller concept video. What do you think?

And that brings me to my second point -

Because the Wii U is backward compatible with all Wii controllers, it has to use Bluetooth (which is utilized by Wii Remotes). It would only make sense from a developer's standpoint to use Bluetooth with the new controller for simplicity. Now - most of you should know that the Wii Remote was exploited for use with PCs right around the Wii's release. Personally, I use GlovePIE to make scripts for all my Wii controllers for use with PC games, and of course Dolphin has Wii remote functionality built in. If the new Wii U controller uses this same tech, then most likely it will be exploited right around its launch as well! Perhaps we could even see alterations on the controllers built-in OS (if there is a built-in OS). Personally, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that someone has modded the controller to function as a makeshift tablet (Android anyone? :)) within a couple months of the 2012 launch.

Be sure to reply with your thoughts and comments!



13 June 2011 - 08:49 PM

Hello everybody!

You might know me as DaManWitDaPlan from nintendo3dsblog.com, wiiublog.com, and 3dsforums.com. I'm joining early, and quite looking forward to Wii U!

I'm quite interested to see if that Zelda tech demo comes to fruition as a game any time soon, and I'm also VERY psyched that Darksiders II is coming to the new console.

If you ask any of my friends, they'll tell you I'm the biggest Nintendo nerd/geek/guru they know. I've got to say, I was a bit skeptical when I saw this year's E3 (I'm usually super impressed by Nintendo's showcase). I'm still not sure how the controller will turn out for the popularity of the console. I think it's a neat idea if the controller is not forced on developers. If they use it primarily as a minimap/inventory screen, like most (good) DS games, then it'll be VERY nice and I'll be backing this new system all the way. Any thoughts?

Anyways, I've been following the N3DS Blog and the WiiU blog since their respective creations, and I hope to be able to contribute and learn here as well!

See you in the forums,

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