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Member Since 01 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2015 05:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Devils Third single player previews out.

15 July 2015 - 11:30 AM

OK I hadn't paid much attention to this game until I read it might not come to North America.  Now having seen footage of the game, I'm perfectly OK if it didn't.  (yes I know they have since announced it would)

In Topic: The Ninja and gaming. Share your faves

14 July 2015 - 04:19 AM

My friend had the original Ninja Gaiden on his NES back in the day, I thought it was neat but I sucked and never played again.  Oh an I also played the original TMNT and hated the fact I could only use Donatello or I'd die.

In Topic: New ninty 3ds and 3ds xl

29 August 2014 - 08:40 AM

oh really?


As I own the new ipad and the ipad 3, this is not the same. I can run virtually every ap on both. Or let me rephrase my comment on their marketing department to:

Kudos to the marketing department for doing exactly what apple did, when out of ideas just copy someone else. Looking forward the your next console most likely titled THE NEW WII U

In Topic: New ninty 3ds and 3ds xl

29 August 2014 - 07:40 AM

Bought my 3DS XL in may and really enjoy it, bought my nephew Zelda: Link Between worlds for his DS.  I subsequently learned he had an older DS and could not play it. (my fault for not checking)  Now another version is coming out called "New 3ds", Nintendo's marketing department sucks at naming their products. 

In Topic: What classes are you taking this school year?

30 July 2014 - 12:33 PM

BUS 615 - Accounting Systems

BUS 620 - Leadership and Teams

BUS 621 - Strategic Decision Making.

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