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Member Since 07 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2015 06:13 AM

#298316 The game you may no longer care about... Watch Dogs

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 10 September 2014 - 12:56 PM

I'm excited for it, I'll get it eventually. Doubtful I'll buy it day 1 @ what I'm guessing is a $60 price tag - but I bet the price will fall fast. I'll probably pick it up sometime in 2015.

Yeah I'm either getting it mid-2015, or see if it gets a good black friday sale. I want to support third parties, but they make it so damn hard.

#298220 The Voice - I Want You - by Activision - Game and Mic included

Posted by NintendoReport on 09 September 2014 - 02:04 AM

Still better than Advanced Warfare.


#297791 Amiibos Are a "Smash" Hit

Posted by flowerlandfilms on 02 September 2014 - 04:30 AM

I'm buying the characters I like because they look cool. Probably won't use them after the first time for the lolz.

#295138 MK8 Update Incoming 8/27

Posted by NintendoReport on 06 August 2014 - 02:08 AM

8/27 update to add map display on the TV screen, 3 free Mercedes-Benz karts: GLA, W25 Silver Arrow, 300 SL Roadster.

Records screen w/ total coins, online win-loss record, character selection rates, etc. being added. Improved online stability.

Default menu selection following GP changing to next race. Last used kart customization added to save. Edit others' highlights.




#292010 I would purchase more, but I can't!

Posted by Portal on 30 June 2014 - 06:33 PM

This is why just about every WiiU and/or 3DS owner changes their location to a tax-free zip code.

#290555 Mario Kart 8 - Video Review

Posted by ZyroXZ2 on 16 June 2014 - 05:22 PM

Nice review. I disagree with a few points however. I do find the battle mode to be a serious letdown, not refreshing, as the tracks are too large and you end up just driving aimlessly. To me it makes battle mode unplayable. I also have a few other complaints such as no online in game voicechat, too many alts of the same character (mario, baby mario, metal mario, ect) instead of more variety of characters, and no special unlockables to give you incentives to gold cup higher difficulties.


However, I still love the game. I personally gave it a solid 4/5 stars.

I answered more in-depth about the battle mode above.  While I'm not saying that you cannot disagree, I am mentioning that if you're driving around aimlessly, you might need to consider how you're handling the "new" Battle Mode.  Chances are, people are bunched up in an area duking it out like I've seen, while a few others will use the roads to either joust or get away from the action and do a U-turn to come back once they have an item.  It's actually quite a serviceable mode once you change your approach!


As for in-game voicechat, I was originally going to include that as a sarcastic thing on my "why, why, why" stuff, but truth be told, I can tell you that it's only going to be a "F--- THIS" and "You B----" and "Son of a B----", or what boils down to a varied yet rather limited stream of obscenities.  Any long-time Mario Kart player knows how frustrating it is, and with the online in Wii and MK7, it only became more frustrating because there were humans on the other end.  Voicechat will not be filled with conversation of any worth, lmao  :laugh:


FYI, getting gold cups on higher difficulties (150cc, mirror) gives you the gold kart...

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