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Member Since 16 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2013 06:43 AM

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In Topic: Nintendo Direct 12/18 for Spring 2014 Wii U , 3DS

18 December 2013 - 09:56 AM

Was this Direct that good?


I mean, we still have like no release dates. Not one for Mario Kart 8, and not even a time frame for SSB4.


They give you plenty of things to talk about and yet you move the goal posts AGAIN, this time saying "well, we don't release dates though!" Again, like trying to conquer Russia. It's not their fault you're freezing your toes off

In Topic: Nintendo Direct 12/18 for Spring 2014 Wii U , 3DS

18 December 2013 - 07:11 AM

and this is why whining about Nintendo is akin to trying conquer Russia. Yeah, you'll get a few licks in but then winter hits and you end up looking like a fool.

In Topic: Nintendo Direct 12/18 for Spring 2014 Wii U , 3DS

17 December 2013 - 09:03 AM

Waiting to see how much people overhype this only to throw a hissy fit when their unrealistic expectations don't come to pass. Happens EVERY freaking time

In Topic: A Winning Strategy for Nintendo/Wii U

16 December 2013 - 09:44 AM

Both Ubisoft and EA have published several titles for the 3DS already, so I don’t really see a “ton” of 3rd parties that don’t support the 3DS. It’s a viable platform, and I think it gets decent support from third parties. Nintendo has a nice niche in the handheld market, and their handhelds have always done well.

Lack of third party support is a bit trickier when it comes to Nitnendo’s consoles. A lot of Nintendo fans really turn into the biggest whiners in regard to third party support and cry about third parties "not liking" Nintendo, but the reality is that those same gamers are just not buying third party titles, so a lot of the blame can be laid at the gamers feet.

Nintendo can’t just sit back on their laurels and wait for third parties to come to them, the market is just too crowded right now. They should be partnering with and promoting third parties more - or even just listening to what other developers are looking for with their game platforms. In terms of features like online, Nintendo offers very little third party support and features compared to Microsoft and Sony. So if a Wii/U port comes with gimped online, it’s really Nintendo’s fault.

In case you haven’t noticed, a lot of game studios are barely making any money right now and even going belly up. If Nintendo doesn't build a platform that is conducive for third parties to work with, they will continue to always be the last choice (or left out altogether).


1. That's a load of crap and you know it. Putting out one crappy title once in a blue moon is pathetic. That's not good business and that's just idiotic.


2. Ever wonder WHY people flock to Nintendo titles over 3rd party ones on Nintendo systems? Because Nintendo have a general perception as being of the highest quality. Furthermore, tons of 3rd parties have basically sabotaged their image on Nintendo consoles through lazy efforts. You forfeit the right to complain about sales on a Nintendo system when you don't even TRY.


3. Okay, THAT'S the biggest load of crap. Question, who forced devs to freaking make their budgets so absurd and thus risk themselves going out of business? The console manufacturers? No, they merely provided power, they never held a gun to devs' heads and demanded they spend $60 million on a game. Gamers? No, it's been repeatedly proven that customers don't really care about anything but gameplay. Publishers? I very much doubt that, because publishers would LOVE to cut costs and have lower budgets (you can make an argument about publishers doing obscene advertising campaigns, but that doesn't disprove the point I'm getting to). So whose fault is it that devs are in financial straits?

Simple: the devs themselves. They CHOSE to do all that crap. It's THEIR fault they're failing to make a profit, THEIR fault they can't sell anything, THEIR fault that no one with a brain wants to buy their lazy, half-hearted, boring efforts when something a lot better and more fulfilling is right around the corner. So you're telling me to feel sympathetic towards a bunch of spoiled brats who refuse to own up to their own mistakes and thus take it out on everyone else, not just Nintendo? No, I refuse. I do not reward laziness, sloppiness, and sure as hell don't reward self-entitled behavior from a bunch of idiots who need a time out. Third parties' incompetence and mistakes are on THEIR heads, not Nintendo's, not Sony's, not MS', not gamers'. It needs to stop. Nintendo gave them as much as they needed and it's not Nintendo's faults that 3rd parties have rendered themselves incapable of doing a simple porting job because they can't keep their finances in order.

In Topic: A Winning Strategy for Nintendo/Wii U

15 December 2013 - 07:44 PM

yeah i guess they have somewhat... but i was referring to western third parties.  at this point it is a lost cause with Nintendo and Western 3rd party developers put their money into trying to score exclusive content from eastern devs and call it a day.


Then that's the loss of 3rd parties. Can't exactly feel sorry for Western companies when they make such idiotic decisions and then demand the manufacturers clean up their messes and pay for their mistakes. The reason Western 3rd parties kept failing on Nintendo's handhelds is because they weren't putting proper effort in. Most of those companies treated handhelds like red-headed stepchildren and never, ever bother to make something decent for it. As such, they missed their chance, they failed to cultivate and audience, and their lack of effort was rewarded properly: with critical derision and low sales.

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