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Member Since 16 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2013 06:43 AM

#261266 My Opinion on Nintendo This Gen.(At the Moment)

Posted by Aiddon on 15 December 2013 - 09:37 AM

Okay, so you're never changing your views no matter how much sense I throw at either of you, way to be pros.

Here's a video about the UK.


it's not about changing of views, it's about logic and evidence, like what I've seen here:




That's how Japan is, shareholders basically have no power. That's not about views or opinions, that's about facts. I knew Japanese businesses operated differently from American/European business, but even I was shocked that basically it is kind of an opposite of what Western business is like. Me trying to argue against would be like me arguing that water doesn't exist. It would be my opinion, perhaps, but it would also be factually WRONG. It would just be STUPID

  • Tre likes this

#261134 My Opinion on Nintendo This Gen.(At the Moment)

Posted by Aiddon on 14 December 2013 - 05:18 PM

Nintendo have been listening to those morons, as a stock holder you vote on issues.

And Nintendo (and Japanese businesses in general) only really pay attention to them as a courtesy.

"Tre, on 14 Dec 2013 - 8:10 PM, said:
My turn to chime in. Who is this "core" people are speaking of? I mean really. The Wii sold 100 million consoles. Does that mean 100 million people bought it? PS3 and XBox 360 sold roughly 80 million a piece. Does that mean 160 million people bought it? All together that would be 260 people, right? The answer to all the questions is no. The Wii U, PS4, and Xbox One is at around 8 million. Is that 8 million people? No. People are dipping and buying multiple console. The 8th generation market have not been establish yet to even know if the Wii U is doing poorly or if the PS4 and Xbox One is doing great. The so called "core" audience have not been establish for this generation. It is going to take at least 3 years to figure that out. Nintendo is doing what most company do. They are trying to find their market and exploit it. All this talk of investors. Investors do not even know the extent of what they are investing in. They invest in numbers. Even though the total console sales of each generation has increased, there is a time when it might slow down. Numbers could be decreased by have more stable products that do not need to be purchased again. Nintendo management is fine. They know what games people want. They probably have many discussions about if a game should resurface. As someone mention, they tried with Kid Icarus. They will try another and another until they find one that sticks. The internet is a small (very small) percentage of the gaming community. I understand the OP being frustrated but it comes a time when people need to leave politics to the ones in the gaming industry."

That is the funny thing, Japanese business prioritizes STAKEHOLDERS i.e. employees, suppliers, and customers. Furthermore....the way Japanese businesses are structured makes it near impossible for investors to influence the board of directors. In fact, most of the time the board of directors tend to be people from INSIDE the company who tend to be voted in by the CEO himself. Yeah, the CEO basically can't be taken out except by himself. Everything you THINK you know about business, you kinda have to do the exact opposite with Japanese. It's THAT different from the West.

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#260979 My Opinion on Nintendo This Gen.(At the Moment)

Posted by Aiddon on 13 December 2013 - 04:07 PM

Steve Jobs was Apple's original CEO. He was kicked out and then the new management nearly bankrupted Apple. Once Steve Jobs came back he reversed many of the other management's changes and that saved the company.


Firing management is really nothing more than a lazy, quick way to shut up whiny, know-nothing shareholders. However, since shareholder activism isn't prominent in Japanese business, you're not gonna see Iwata resign anytime soon.

#260703 My Opinion on Nintendo This Gen.(At the Moment)

Posted by Aiddon on 12 December 2013 - 08:29 AM

But Sony didn't to bring people in with Killzone because the dudebros were already there. It's a different situation. It's not gonna be like nintendo makes aweseom shooter and suddenly all the dudebros are all "I totally respect nintendo now, and am going to buy a wii u to play this game." because in case you haven't noticed, most dudebros




They're too busy trying to impress their friends with manly they are by buying COD and how their 13 year old dicks have totally grown half a millimeter. They already have their notions about Nintendo, and trying to get them to come to Nintendo is a waste of their money, especially since last gen they had a system the dudebros hated, but still had  the best console sales.


And we also have the "hardcore" snobs who have been brainwashed into believing all this specs bs. Sometimes a lot of their crap comes off as stuff you'd see in a political smear campaign. Whining about 3rd parties, whining about specs, whining about the name, whining about Nintendo continuing to use its most successful franchises. It's the pinnacle of insecure pseudo-intellectual tripe.

#260406 Emily Rogers: Nintendo’s Obsession With Finding One Game That Can Sell Consoles

Posted by Aiddon on 10 December 2013 - 09:31 PM

Rogers once again trolling for hits by making a dramatic article. It's perhaps entertaining, but it's not very strong as an argument.

#260038 Watchdogs is Wii U last hope

Posted by Aiddon on 09 December 2013 - 07:09 AM

Whats terrible is gamers sticking up for Nintendo spitting in their faces. They know what they want and they won't deliver. They are even too cheap to make a console with modern hardware. Thats why all the hate. Nintendo needs to get their act together! I mean come on quit defending laziness! Quit defending them putting out garbage. You guys complain when you don't get new stuff.


WHY WOULD THEY MAKE NEW STUFF WHEN YOU CHOKE DOWN THE SAME OLD STUFF. Mario 3D world looks amazing. Donkey kong looks like Donkey Kong. WHY ARENT THEY MAKING NEW I.P.S? WHY ARENT THEY BUYING NEW STUDIOS? They need to work on expanding not making the same game 500 times. I mean they recycle every franchise every year in the exact same way. WHY CAN'T THEY CHANGE SOMETHING???!! ANYTHING?! Make a freaking Star Fox game! Make a ice climbers reboot. Make a new platformer.

Heck announce a partnership with capcom to make Viewtiful U. I thought they gained sense when they did Zombi U and Bayonetta 2. BUT NO. Its all a lazy light show. Nintendo cares none about the core gamer. Their games are covered up in nostalgia thats it. I love Mario as much as the next guy but this gen its not gonna cut it.


yeah, yeah, yeah, Nintendo beat you up and stole your lunch money in high school, we get it. And it's seriously OLD. Nintendo makes new stuff every generation, you just either ignore it, conveniently say it doesn't count, or that it sucks. Furthermore, Nintendo keeps making new Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, Pikmin, Wario, Pokemon, etc for very simple reason: they're still popular, they still sell, and they're still GOOD and still innovating. Not exactly difficult to comprehend. Well, for an intelligent person anyway.

#259778 *Throws an armchair* The Wii U is finish. (VGA SPOILERS)

Posted by Aiddon on 08 December 2013 - 08:18 AM



I'd like to share something I've been thinking about. What if Nintendo decided to announce Cranky at the VGX so it could be more discussed. I mean, where would DKC TF be more discussed from. A Nintendo Direct where it'll get overshadowed by bigger announcements (possibly X or Zelda U, the things that were being hyped for VGX), or an awards show in which it's the only thing discussed from Nintendo. Nintendo's very behind with the times (thus not knowing what's appropriate for a VGX announcement), and isn't too active with their fanbase. So from Nintendo's point of view, this announcement makes sense as it causes more discussion. And obviously the controversy around it not being what everyone wanted it to be was another factor in discussion (although I doubt Nintendo actually intended this). But honestly, people getting hyped for other things seen this coming. Cranky was leaked on Amazon, DKC TF was one of the playable games at that Reggie Twitter event on Thursday or so, and Nintendo can make confounding decisions (e3 2008). 


 Not to mention it's a good idea to simply keep expectations low for events like this or E3. Having the lowest expectations results in either the low standards met or exceeded. Sometimes it is hard to not get on the hype train (I was hoping for Parappa 3 and/or Crash 4 during the night of the PS4 launch, where it just ended up being a predictable Uncharted 4 announcement). For the record, in no way am I defending Nintendo for this decision. I think it's incredibly stupid and this should have been saved for a Nintendo Direct. Or at least had this alongside another VGX announcement. Nintendo needs to know better, know what the fans really want (rather than mild enjoyment out of seeing Cranky Kong playable), and know what's suitable for a VGX announcement. Thankfully they were fortunate enough to mess up on an already mediocre-horrible show that had some low viewer counts that was online only. I'm pretty sure it's not on TV until like Monday with a "Highlights of VGX" thing.


Also the VGXs were terrible. Unfunny jokes, outdated memes, that whole GTA5 music section was horrible (the rap and the guy who had this incredibly derpy singing voice), product placement (PRE ORDER THIEF AT GAMESTOP, BROUGHT TO YOU BY TEEN WOLF, BUY THIS MICROTRANSACTION CAR FOR GRAND TURISMO 6!!!!!), and the incredibly awkward acting. Also Smosh and PewDiePie, why, sweet jesus, why.


The thing is though, the VGAs are so worthless that there was no point in showing anything big. even before now the VGAs were considered pathetic and with how viewership for it has shrank, Nintendo was completely correct in giving a throwaway announcement. Wasting a big announcement on a pathetic event like the VGAs would be casting pearls before swine.

#259733 *Throws an armchair* The Wii U is finish. (VGA SPOILERS)

Posted by Aiddon on 07 December 2013 - 09:37 PM

You Nintefan girls will defend anything they do. Nintendo had the opportunity to show MK8, Yoshi Yarn, FE X ST, X, a new Smash trailer, a new ANYTHING! But they decided to show us what they could of done in a mini Nintendo Direct. The VGA are the second biggest in games despite how awful they are. 


Then that is truly pathetic because its viewership is abysmal. Nintendo Directs get more traffic than the VGAs do now. Heck, there might not even BE one next year with how awful this one was.

#258569 Knack out sales Mario in UK

Posted by Aiddon on 02 December 2013 - 07:37 AM

all this illustrates to me is that consumers are stupid. Very, very STUPID

#258489 Reggie: Why you should buy a Wii U this Holiday season.

Posted by Aiddon on 01 December 2013 - 02:59 PM

He certainly was in a position to make such a claim and the critics show that he was right.  


No kidding; can't exactly fault the guy when he turned out to be right in the end. When are people going to learn that mocking Nintendo and underestimating them is completely stupid?

#257521 VGX Awards: Nintendo may be appearing

Posted by Aiddon on 22 November 2013 - 09:11 PM

They can't go there showing Yoshi's Epic Yarn or Kirby Triple Deluxe, it would have to be something that goes with that audience (the people tuning in for Uncharted and Metal Gear). They would have to show something like Zelda, Super Smash Bros, or Monolith Soft's X, Zelda would be the big one. 


Aonuma wanted to show Zelda at E3, didn't get to show, wanted to show it at Comic Con, again didn't get to show it. I believe this will be the time. 






We will probably get something similar to this then the full gameplay reveal at E3. 


Oh please, the audience would whine about Zelda too. They're never gonna be pleased with a Nintendo title, so ya might as well just piss them off for a few giggles.

#257275 Nintendo's biggest mistake with reviving Wii U

Posted by Aiddon on 21 November 2013 - 07:50 AM

oh, whoop-dee-doo, ya mean FAMILIES might be a viable market? Considering the fact that Nintendo is the only one of the three console makers who Cares about selling things to families/kids thus expanding the market, I'm not gonna give them crap for it. Better than pandering to the fickle "hardcore" gamer that has proven unreliable

#256551 Broken PS4s discussion

Posted by Aiddon on 16 November 2013 - 09:24 PM

sounds about right. People seem to forget that Sony doesn't have that good of a history with build quality. First iterations of their systems don't last more than a couple years typically (seriously, how many people had to buy replacement PS2s?). Still, I'll give it a week to see how widespread this is. But in any we do know one thing: that the PS4 is not the messiah of gaming, it's just another console.

#255834 Very long rant about Nintendo.

Posted by Aiddon on 12 November 2013 - 10:00 PM

Good post.  I don't think Nintendo has to abandon what they are doing, but..


As Benjen Stark said "Nothing before 'but' really counts"; Nintendo are not going to force themselves to be something they are not. They are not interested in M-rated BS or insecure "darker" schlock. They have ONE mission statement: to make games that are FUN and that people of all ages, walks of life, and skill levels can enjoy.

#255650 Shahid Kamal: "Two words you're going to hear a lot of on PS4- 1080p/...

Posted by Aiddon on 11 November 2013 - 09:46 PM

How the gaming industry changed... so sad tbh..


the fact that people have resorted to crap like "1080p" means one thing: that they've officially ran out of LEGITIMATE claims to argue with. This has gotten pathetic.

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