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Member Since 21 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2013 10:54 AM

#254271 Satoru Iwata admits that Wii U so far failed as a worthy successor to the Wii.

Posted by Aiddon on 02 November 2013 - 06:21 AM

I agree with the marathon not a sprint... but seriously i am tired of Iwata. We only hear from him in one of two situations. 1. promising some unannounced games coming or unprecidented games... or 2. apologizing for failing or not enough games to enable demand for the console. I just want a new management in place.... this one will never change or push the company forward. take some damn risk Nintendo.


Unfortunately, that's not gonna happen. Japanese companies work a bit differently from Western ones, but it's obvious that the West in general can't wrap its head around that. The only way Iwata is going to leave is when he resigns and that's going to be a very, VERY long time. As for you talking about him apologizing, again, that's just how Japan is. That's how they have ALWAYS been. Better to be humble than arrogant


As for your talk of risk, here's a little secret: that's a load of crap. You can't tell me the Wii, the DS, the 3DS, and the Wii U weren't risks. Furthermore most "risks" in gaming aren't worth it. They're not bold, just stupid. Nintendo has rightfully taken one look at the current gaming landscape, noticed all the morons who are close to bankrupting themselves or have closed and have said "screw that, we're taking it slow." And they'll be all the better for that.

#254179 Satoru Iwata admits that Wii U so far failed as a worthy successor to the Wii.

Posted by lucario23 on 01 November 2013 - 03:01 PM

Nintendo's marketing strategy is to get Wii owners to upgrade to Wii U. Since Wii Fit was a huge seller for Wii, it makes perfect sense to do a Wii U version. It is the same reason they are doing Wii Sports Club.

But even Wii owners can see that Wii fit u is basically the same thing as Wii fit and won't buy new hardware for v2.0.

#254045 Satoru Iwata admits that Wii U so far failed as a worthy successor to the Wii.

Posted by TriplePower on 31 October 2013 - 10:46 PM

C'mon, this topic is overanalysed already. We all know that, there is no need any gaming site to mention it every few weeks or so.

#252754 sabotaging the wii u

Posted by Nollog on 23 October 2013 - 01:29 AM

It's paranoid to believe companies out to make a profit from any source they can would sabotage a source they could use.
No matter how apparent that might appear.

What you can do, is buy ass creed 4 on wii u, buy cod ghosts on wii u, buy watch dogs on wii u either with, or rather than on other consoles.
Of course only do that if those games interest you. I myself don't care for ass creed, and deeply dislike the online gameplay of cod.
By buying a game which is both equal to it's counterparts, and is of interest to you, you are using your power of consumerism to give companies very valuable market research and trend data.

#253340 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by A-Leal on 27 October 2013 - 04:52 PM

Mario Party 9 is a classic already? Lmao, that was fast.


Thanks for the insightful reply. MP9 is a classic to me, for many reasons. MP8 helped my brother and I bond during the difficult times of his chemotherapy (And help get his mind off the gravity of the situation).  So to me, a sequel to a game that I have found memories playing with my younger brother is an instant classic to me.

#253525 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by Kokirii on 29 October 2013 - 07:48 AM

Hey guys!

The German Amazon website currently lists the "Monster Hunter 3"-premium bundle for 299,-€. (Current exchange course delivers 411,7811$.)
Although I planned to buy a Wii U back in August, I changed plans and bought a PS3. (Just because of "The Last Of Us" which was a cool game but not worth the approx. 300,-€. And 300,-€ for one game? D'OH!?)

Anyhow, I am planning to buy a Wii U now again and this pricing is awesome. But if I buy the console right now, this would mean I have to abstain from buying these super awesome Wiimotes in the Mario- & Luigi-design.
What do you think? I hope that Amazon will hold the price till the end of November when my next salary is coming - I guess this price won't hold for too long... -, but I can't wait any longer because "Mario Kart 8" and also "The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker HD" are making me sooooo unsure about buying a Wii U right now or later... BUT THAT PRICE, GOOOOSH.


Thanks in advance! :)


Meiner Meinung nach hast du nicht genug Geld, Ihnen die Special Edition Wiimotes zu leisten.  Du solltest einfach die Konsole kaufen und die Spiele genießen

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