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Member Since 11 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active May 24 2014 11:07 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Ubisoft screws WiiU Owners again

02 May 2014 - 02:27 PM

So basically there isn't a single to complain about here? I'll be getting it for Wii U then.

In Topic: Mario Kart 8 Bundle Confirmed!

30 April 2014 - 01:38 PM

Well only 6m people have a WiiU now so are you saying 30m people will go out & spend £250 on a WiiU just to play MK8 ?
If i didn't already have a WiiU i wouldn't buy a WiiU to play it.

No I'm not saying they will, but saying it's 'only' Mario Kart would be like saying its 'only' GTA. It's a massive seller.

In Topic: XBOX ONE Production Could Temporarily Cease

28 April 2014 - 09:57 AM

Aside from Dead Rising 3 or Ryse..but Ryse is crap. You can play an XBO game on PC or another console.

My point is not how good the Xbox One is over the PS4, it really isn't. My point is that comments like the one above are just believing into the Sony hype. And that is all the PS4 is right now.

It makes sense to scale back on production of Xbox One's if there is an abundance of them sitting in retail outlets. The problem with Microsoft is that they really have shot themselves in the foot with their behaviour surrounding the Xbox One's policies and idiotic comments from Mattrick and Orth just compounded to make matters worse.
E3 2014 will be important for the Xbox One and its future, if Microsoft have a successful E3 and show case their games and give gamers a reason to purchase a Xbox One then there's no reason why the Xbox One cannot sell. They've got a talented face in Phil Spencer, they've got some interesting exclusive games up their sleeve and have yet more to show if the reported $1bn spent on securing exclusives is true, so they're not out of it yet.

Yeah I totally agree with this. They could also get rid of Kinect and cut the price if things got to that point.

In Topic: XBOX ONE Production Could Temporarily Cease

27 April 2014 - 11:49 PM

What part isn't true? I still own a xbone but it was forced into early retirement as I play Wii U and PS4 much more.

Well considering the PS4 has 1 exclusive coming so far I would say the bit where you said they have the exclusives. Xbox also has exclusives and 3rd party games.

In Topic: PS4 officially sold through 7 Million Globally.

27 April 2014 - 12:39 PM

DC sold 10.6 Million

Yep, but it didn't do it in 18 months. They killed it at about 6 million. It's not like no one ever bought one after that date.

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