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Member Since 28 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 03 2013 01:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Wii U Summer/Fall Update

30 September 2013 - 07:18 PM

How is the picture quality of Wii games on the gamepad? With it being a native 480p screen I would imagine that it looks really sharp.

It's do-able as far as graphics go, though only slightly blurry and somewhat pixelated. My best way of describing it would be that the graphics you saw on Kid Icarus: Uprising can roughly be compared to the graphics of a Wii game being viewed on the GamePad (only slightly better).


Then again, it could be just my GamePad since my screen protector is a bit dirty and worn, but yeah.

In Topic: Wii U Summer/Fall Update

30 September 2013 - 06:33 PM

Holy moley, I'm playing Wii games on the gamepad!!!


I. Love. Nintendo. So freaking much right now.

In Topic: Fall Update live?!

30 September 2013 - 06:27 PM


Finally, I can multi-task by being on the Internet while being in a Basic Brawl match on SSBB! Success at last!

In Topic: Wii U Summer/Fall Update

30 September 2013 - 05:49 PM


In Topic: SSB4 a boring rehash?

30 September 2013 - 04:58 AM

There's too much factors here for me to cast a judgement call this early on Super Smash Bros. 4. From my viewpoint, I believe it will be like no other Smash Bros. we've seen before; this Wii U is a completely different console than the Wii and GameCube were. Yes, the Wii and GameCube were also different consoles, but both had limited memory which caused a limitation on the game either way. But with this Wii U, who knows?


For instance, I was just finishing up Tekken Tag Tournament 2 last night, and that game had a plethora of things you could do on there, notably character customizations. Seeing how Namco Brandi is behind Super Smash Bros. 4, we could very well see this feature carry over to the next game.


There could very well be much more playable characters, much more assists, much more... Everything, honestly. The Wii U can actually handle a lot more than what the GameCube or Wii could only dream of.


But like I said, it feels way too early for me to call a judgement on this game, but I do believe that this Smash Bros. entry will be the greatest entry within the Smash Bros. series.

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