mudkipz ★
Member Since 13 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Private
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Brian6330 → mudkipz ★
What a coincidence. It was the same for me XD
o.o Weird o.O
o.o Weird o.O

mudkipz ★ → Brian6330
Yep, I do like those two Blinx games and yeah, not very many people seem to like them. Blinx was the first Xbox game I got and played.

Brian6330 → mudkipz ★
You like Blinx for Xbox? Those were my favorite games for it!!! I thought noone else played them and I completely forgot about those 2 games :D

mudkipz ★ → Feld0
Oh, thanks! :) I also found it funny and laughed at being referred to as a male on Zuperman's status update. xD