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Member Since 30 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2013 05:23 PM

Topics I've Started

3DS Still Selling Well, Wii U Sales Increase by 200%

18 October 2013 - 02:56 AM

Here is a nice article on the current sales of the consoles:http://www.nintendol...han_200_percent

Who here is in school?

16 October 2013 - 11:45 AM

So I was studying for a test and I just wondered how many people here are actually in school? I am wait for it... only in 6th grade. Yup in middle school. But now I don't wanna hear some crap about how young you are and immature, k? So who here is in school???

Dream Game: Nintendo Universe

13 October 2013 - 07:08 AM

So I posted this in the IP thread but I feel like it needs it's own thread it is Nintendo Universe: I want Nintendo Universe. It is like Super Smash Bros and Mario Galaxy combined. It starts off with Mario traveling to Hyrule by taking a portal and it gets combined into LoZ gameplay and Mario gameplay. When he meets Link they team up because Ganon, Vaati, and Bowser have teamed up! Then they follow a trail around the Nintendo Universe teaming them up with Kirby, Pit, Pikachu, Samus, Ice Climbers, Fox and everyone else because all of their last bosses/villains teamed up too. This would be 3D like Mario Galaxy have more exploration than the biggest Hyrule and end in a epic final face off with every Nintendo Hero against every Nintendo Villian. They would each get transported to different world throught the battle working together to saw their land, princesses, and the Universe. It would have like have the roster on 3DS and another half on Wii U and they would be linked for the final battle, switching between each console for a certain part of it. Nintendo would sell millions of both consoles with this awesome game. Nintendo Universe equals awesome. Each of the gameplay from each game would be featured! Every Nintendo fanboys dream...
Reply with thoughts for a dream Nintendo Game.

Sooo any mobile gamers here?

13 October 2013 - 06:48 AM

I personally live on my iPod and I love it's wonderful games. It has the Infinity Blade Trilogy, GTA, Modern Combat, Angry Birds, Temple Run, Asphalt, Injustice, Arkham Orgins Lockdown, some emulators, Subway Surfers, Jetpack joyride, Cut the Rope and much much more. I know people used to laugh at Mobike Gamers but right now games are getting as big as Console games and I think it is becoming the age of mobile games now! Anyone else mobile gamer? Tell me what games you play!

Here are my games and Angry Birds!

How awesome the Swift Sail is! And how to get it!

13 October 2013 - 06:50 AM

So I got the swift sail and let me say it is fantastic! You sail so fast and don't have to play the stupid Wind's Requiem to change direction! I never played to original Wind Waler but when I was reading articles about Wind Waker I saw people hating a ton about how slow it was to sail. So I decided to tell people how to get it!
     You have to go to Windfall Island at night and if it is not night than you can show Elvis on the top of the hill your Wind Waker and he will teach you the Song of Passing that turns day into night and night into day. You have to go the Auction House and start an auction. When the guy tells you what the item is that he is selling you can quit if it is not the swift sail. Exit and reenter a few times then eventually the swift sail should show up. When it does just auction for it and get it!

Tell me if I was helpful and if you got it!

So anyone get it yet?

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