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Hannes Wetterauer

Member Since 21 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2013 02:56 PM

#252532 Project Cars Wii U Features Particle Shadows - Multi Threaded Shadowing

Posted by Hannes Wetterauer on 21 October 2013 - 02:57 PM

Hey guys, just registered to hopefully be able to give you some info about the Wii U version as I'm involved as an pre-alpha tester, investor and community member at pCARS since over a year now.



I'm guessing that they are far from pushing the max the CPU do to it not auto-delegating tasks, which is good. The games on the Wii U are already showing higher performance than their last gen counterparts, so the results that devs can get from further optimizations are starting to look promising.


I was initially expecting Project CARS to just be another unoptimized port. I'm keeping my eyes peeled now.

The Wii U surely got more CPU power than I've expected but in the current state the game's able to make i5 processors sweat. Above all this is due to ongoing physics (especially tyre) testing but in the end I guess at least slight compromises have to be made when it comes to physics calculations on the Wii U. Not because of poor porting (as far as I've seen the devs are working really hard on the Wii U version since a while now, the engine is smoothly scalable and Nintendo seems to do their part on supporting us very well too) but because of the lack of sheer processing power. On the other hand optimizations haven't been really started yet...



It would be nice if true. There was one photo released of the Wii U version months ago by an insider. It did not look pretty. Of course, they have clearly made substantial imporvements since then according to the changelogs.


Would be nice if they would show some console version footage.

I don't know that screenshot/photo for myself even if I'm totally active in the community there - sure it was real?



There is a line in th is that has me confused.

Can anyone make head's or tales of this?

Adding to the earlier explanations the mothership was a related bug looking like an Independence Day mothership, basically a big black thing occuring on specific date/time/weather settings like a huge shadow ;)



I'm just ready to see some specific Wii U vids and screens for this game.  The developers seem to be very willing to support the Wii U and make this game the "Forza" of the system.  It looks great so far, but I want to see some specific Wii U stuff.  If it ends up being as good as it sounds, I'll definitely get it next year.  I just hope a lot more people get it as well.  It could really be one of the big titles for the system in the near future.

They ARE very willing to make the Wii U version as awesome as possible as there's no real competition, pCARS could become THE racing game on the platform and console gamers (aswell as PC gamers when it comes to certain games) are maily pissed off because of poor ports! As far as I know you'll have to wait some more time until we got proper ingame footage specifically for the Wii U version tho.






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