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Éanna Prendergast Doyle

Member Since 14 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 26 2011 04:37 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Caption the avatar above you!

26 August 2011 - 04:31 AM

Chainsaw hockey mask giant - Oh yes!

In Topic: What's the point of next gen consoles?

26 August 2011 - 04:09 AM

Apple really doesn't have as much experience with games as many people are giving them credit for. They do not develop any first-party games, and it seems that everyone has forgotten that the iPod Touch and iPhone did not even ship with an app store of any kind in their first year on the market. iOS (iPhone OS at the time) became a gaming platform entirely by accident - Apple didn't do much other than provide software development kits for apps that some companies decided to make a few games with. Next thing you know, 99-cent experiences became one of the leading reasons for people to get an iOS device - but the platform's third-party developers are responsible for that, not Apple themselves.

For Apple to design a good, competitive console, they would need to focus an immense amount of resources on that. Not to mention that they'd be competing with three companies that have all been in the console race for at least a decade, and are extremely well established in it. Add to that that Apple do not have any experience developing first-party games (which, let's face it, they'll need at least some of) and it just doesn't seem like the greatest business idea for them. The closest I can possibly see them coming to a game console is if they made the app store available on the Apple TV, and let you use iOS devices as controllers for it. But even that won't come close to the depth of the experiences that Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo can offer.

I completely agree, I don't see Apple coming in too the console market anytime soon.

In Topic: What's the point of next gen consoles?

21 August 2011 - 11:50 PM

I don't think we need another company like Apple in the console making business, unless Apple used the same level of quality they apply in making there computer hardware, employed dedicated skilled experts in making consoles and games and had good quality first party and exclusive third party games. The Apple console would have to be very innovative, another plain old PS3 or Xbox console wouldn't be enough because we have seen it all before. I don't think Apple is going to enter the console business because they would have pull a a whole lot off, (even though I am pretty sure a hell of a lot of Apple Fan-boys would buy anything Apple excretes) Apple is trying to take on the gaming market from a different angle, by making cheap, affordable games available on there popular iPhone and iPad for casual gamers to enjoy. l don't think "hardcore" or more dedicated gamers are going to stop buying consoles because of this anytime soon. ^_^

In Topic: Rate the member's signature picture above you!

19 August 2011 - 08:45 AM

8/10 'coz it's witty and well presented!

In Topic: Rate the above!

18 August 2011 - 04:40 AM

Username: To the point and relevent! 9/10
Avatar: Awesome Really cute and animated! 10/10
Signiture: Good message but the flashing gets annoying, 7/10

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