I know I know, I should have made it clear it was just an example I haven't looked into if ATI/AMD has come out with something similar or else I would have said it. I've been kind of an Nvidia fan boy for some time and honeslty haven't watched the direction that ATI/AMD has been moving in, I know I should since they get a better bang for the buck but what can I say.
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In Topic: If the Wii U is not powerful...
02 January 2014 - 10:04 AM
In Topic: If the Wii U is not powerful...
01 January 2014 - 01:54 PM
Wii u clearly doesnt use CUDA. But I have seen a few things. I know the wii u has 3 shader variaties, vertex and pixel of course, and then geometry. Geometry shaders are far more advanced than anything ps360 has... And can actually be used fairly flexibly for compute.... But are a bit dated compared to actual compute shaders.
Geometry shaders can indeed be used for their namesake. In fact they are particularly good at polygon subdivision (tesselation)... However, with how much the wii u has dedicated to them, using them for the whole geometry show would be a really bad idea. The large bulk of wii u's geometry should still come from the cpu.
What the gpu can do from there is further sub divide those raw cpu made polygons, smart use of this is going to be pretty key. Adaptive tesselation is a DUMB use of ANY manner of tesselation, and the fact its somehow become synonymous with tesselation itself irritates me to no end.
As for ps4xbone being pretty wasteful, I have to agree... On the cpu end. Those netbook cores arent that great to begin with, rely exceedingly heavily on concurency... When not all things (particularly things that show up pretty often in gaming) can actually benefit from paralellization, actually have at least 1 core taken away for non gaming smut... The only thing they have going for them over that roided out tricore 750 is an actual simd engine... And im becoming less and less convinced theres a huge difference their core vs core.Whatever floating point enhancements nintendo made to the 750 for the cube, and evolved into whats on those espresso cores seems to be taking care of business just fine.
It can run bink 2, which is, as advertised on the rad tools website, 85% SIMD, at full 1080p resolution. Whatever they did to that fpu is taking care of business just fine.
GPU end though, Its pretty overpowered by xboneps4, those gcn cores are not only greatly outnumbering the wii u's units, they are considerably more effecient than the vliw5 nintendo is using.... Unless nintendo has created a custom system for swapping under utilized/waiting on dependencies vliw loads that the worlds never seen.
And putting the entire system on a single peice of silicons makes for some nice effeciency as well.
I was just trying to say that I hope Nintendo has moved in a direction that allows them to utilize new techniques in utilizing GPU’s that have now become common in gaming. Such as using CUDA to program directly for the GPU vs having to pass all the code form the OS to the GPU.
I totally agree that it comes down to software or just hardware in making a successful system. Dreamcast how I wish you were here still…
I will bow out of this conversation since it seems your going a little too much into the nuts and bolts of GPU/GFX tech then my limited knowable. I will leave with just saying lets cross our fingers that Nintendo starts releasing big 1st party titles and not just dolling them one little by little.
In Topic: If the Wii U is not powerful...
31 December 2013 - 09:26 PM
I believe the Kinect has something to do with the lack of 1080p on the console. To be honest thou as much as I would like to make a 'Wii U is 1080p and the Xbox ain't' joke it isn't even questionable how stunning all three consoles are graphics wise. As for power, while the processor plays a big part, it isn't the sole reason. The Wii U is powerful for what is is optimized to do. There was also a stat somewhere that you could fit 10 (estimate, can't remember the actual number) copies of Mario 3D World over 1 install of Knack. Shows how impressive Nintendo are when it comes to getting the most of their systems. (Thou Knack is big)
Just going to toss out the fact that Nintendo has always been good with compression of their games. Example Wii Game data size uncompressed for say Smash Brawl was about 7 gig Compressed was about 3gb 3.5gb (been a while since I messed with it). I will agree that Nintendo is good at saving space since they never go with the cutting edge in lieu of game innovation as far as one function or another, at least with the Wii and Wii U.Not sure why you single out the Kinect as the reason it doesn't run games in native 1080p. The function of it should have no play in the way most games run. I could see this being argued if the game had heavy integration and use of the sensors input for game play display rendering it could limit the game output but for games such as COD where it has none that I know of it shouldn’t be an issue at all. But who knows how its coded in the OS, for all I know the thing is on all the time for whatever reason.
As far as power of the Wii U its not really a debate when you get down to the numbers, its slower than both the XB One and PS4 by a fair margin. Its GPU is about 300Mhz slower than the Xb One or PS4s GPU's.
As for CPU playing a part in graphics these days your info might be a bit out of date. With the intro of coding for the GPU directly with things like CUDA and other GPU languages the GFX really do come down to GPU speed. The CPU is going to carry the system when it comes down to physics calculations and that group of functions but for shinny its 90% GPU.
For whom ever is attacking the guy that said his buddy was in the dev side and said it was PS4 then Wii U then Xb one as far as raw numbers goes it might not play this way. I have no access to a Wii U/PS4/XB One dev kit so I can't say for sure but if he does have that buddy I would have to guess he is taking into account the Multi-Tasking the XB One is doing. With the amount of background tasks that Microsoft has said without accounting for the OS or other tasks this line up could very well be true when it comes down to how much of the system you can use on running games.
On the other hand I want to say like most people here the Wii U will fall behind as the other two systems get bugs worked out and optimize the OS.
But I guess I should ramble my way back to the topic of the thread, the power of the Wii U. I feel the real power of the system is not in the spec speeds of the system but in the way they will get used. Unlike Sony or Microsoft devs it seems that big guns for Nintendo take the time to utilize every flop of the GPU/CPU, rendering and compressing textures and skins to save on GPU stress and focus on the game not the bells and whistles such as in game DVR function, overly social integration (lets be honest Facebook/Twitter/whatever doesn't need to know you just beat a lvl on a game or unlocked something every 10 min) and online function that's only there to help sell DLC.
When fighting of what it can and can't do remember it all comes down to clean coding by the dev and optimization!
Some qucik reading for XB one and PS4 specs
Wii U specs
In Topic: Hi Random People!
29 December 2013 - 09:17 AM
Ahh the new people section, forums always have you post to them then no older memebers seem to reply just us noobs
In Topic: LibDRC - Wii U GamePad, on PC?!
29 December 2013 - 09:14 AM
This sounds awesome but is this legal?
As long as it the lib file does not contain somesort of copywriten code it should be perfectly legal. Since the use of the original Wii mod in the modding/maker community was fairly big with no legal blowback I do not thing you will see any here.
And thanks Nollog I forgot the CCC was happening! I wander what other fun stuff they might bring us this year!
Now if only I knew German lol
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