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Member Since 21 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 23 2014 02:25 AM

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In Topic: Pro controller causing console shutdown?

23 March 2014 - 02:24 AM

Thanks for the reply. What's baffling me is why the console was shutting down. Is that a normal consequence of a loss of signal between the console and a Pro controller, or of the controller losing power? I only got the "communications have been interrupted" message the first time it happened. On subsequent tests the console just turned straight off. Very, very bizarre. Like I said, up to that point never a problem.


I think I'll have to get the controller checked out (though it's working normally again now). Thanks for the help, guys. Nice forum.



In Topic: Pro controller causing console shutdown?

22 March 2014 - 01:52 AM

Thanks for the reply. Ignore for a second what I said about the charge level of the controller - would the controller losing it's charge (ie. dead) cause the console to shut down? I would've thought the controller would just stop working but I don't know for sure. Reason I ask is because when I plugged it in it seemed to take far longer to reach full charge than I would've expected. Also, there's no way I've been getting anything like the claimed 80+ hours play time from my Pro controller. Does it lose charge when not in use? My PS3 controllers seem to stay charged even after long periods of inactivity.


Anyway, after charging it fully up last night I tried it again (unplugged) and it seemed okay again. I'll see how it goes.


One thing I did notice yesterday - that I've never noticed before - is that immediately after every shutdown the power led on my console went orange for about a minute. Did it again this morning (after shutting down normally this time). Is there any significance to this? Like I said, never noticed it before (and I would have, believe me).


Thanks again.

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