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Member Since 29 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2014 01:54 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Tomodachi Life - Nintendo Devs Sing About Their Games

05 July 2014 - 02:05 PM

Shaq' Mii is marrying my cousin's Mii :l ... I don't know how to feel about it lol. 

In Topic: Club Nintendo Gifts this year?

05 July 2014 - 02:04 PM

Hope they give away codes for games. Since now I live in Bolivia they wont ship anything here. Or at least give the option to choose between physical rewards or downloadable free games

In Topic: Why The Lack of Third Party Support May Be a Blessing

01 July 2014 - 01:18 PM

Where is this mystical alternate universe you live in?

lol, I know right now Ubisoft is acting like a selfish Daisy holding games cus the install base is not enough. BUT that doesn't change that Ubisoft was the first to be all in on the Wii U. if Nintendo inreases it's install base Ubisoft wil continue supporting Nintendo. and Ubisoft games have saved Wii U's ass. Imagine if Ubisoft had never released any game... not even ONE... The Wii U wouldn't have even survived to this point where they are finally releasing games. 

In Topic: If you were in charge on Nintendo...

01 July 2014 - 09:29 AM

You would bankrupt nintendo


I personally, would keep it as it is, 1 desktop console and 1 handheld.  But I would offer a strong desktop console and for more than 5 years.  I dont understand their logic into life spans... I would keep built quality up, expandable machines (a wii U that can get upgrades, such us more ram and a dual gpu for feature games) and the lifespan would be 10-15 years, if I had nintendo. I would preffer instead of focusing in attractive cheap hardware, to offer a platform for many years and invest in games, instead of research in new ways of play... lol


I would focus in open world games and new franchises, for both casual and hard core. And I would buy a western studio, because nitendo is all about eastern culture and gameplay. They luck in western likes.  Everything has to do with elfs, moon and turtles.   An example is Crytek right now is in the brick of bankruptcy, I would buy crytek and Konami (because Konami has the football game, also Mr. Snake).


I would also make a series of metroid games, like a mass effect series and style...


I am against mobility, so no interest of pushing nintendo into mobile... even my personal mobile phone is 12 years old.. lol

The making new franchises part is a great idea but, the ''upgrading'' consoles is a bad idea,you would be doing what Sega did with the Genesis and the 32x and Sega CD add ons to improve the system. in the end they overwhelmed the consumer and the system end up failing after their first years of glory when it was just... Genesis. After losing money on those add ons and consumer trust, they released a half baked console (Sega Saturn) and totally lost it there making them have to rush to release the Dreamcast and ending up losing dramatically against the PS2 one year later... you would also make Nintendo go to bankrupsy. 

Stik with the making new franchises thing and everythings gonna be fine lol. 

In Topic: If you were in charge on Nintendo...

01 July 2014 - 12:57 AM

Im not a business man so ill just talk my fantasies. Inside what is possible I'd:

- Open Nintendo Network to latin america in general and open Club Nintendo latin america
- Make a 50US$ premium subscription for Club Nintendo where you get a free classic or indie game monthly and some discounts 
- Change Marketing Campaign to target (for real) Hardcore gamers
- Change way of thinking to a more modern and inclusive way  without changing philosophy of the company
- Go partially mobile. open nintendo e-shop that works with Nintendo Network ID for smartphones to download mobile exclusive apps to customize your phone, chat, access Miiverse (upload pics from your phone to Miiverse), charge money to your e-shop, bring some NES and SNES games for smartphones and option to try some demos but NOT MAKE GAMES FOR MOBILES.
- Give veteran fans what they want (Starfox, F-Zero, etc etc... new games from classic franchises) and also games for kids. In general never leaving behind the classic franchises despite the next point:
- Open a division to develop M rated games creating new franchises for hardore gamers, hence, start a new FPS franchise with massive multiplayer to compete with Halo, new action adveture franchise with a new character that will also represent Nintendo (competing with Kratos and Masterchief) 
- Get games from last gen that the Wii missed out for purchase on e-shop (eg: Darksiders Bulletstorm, Far Cry 3, Skyrim, GTA IV, Metal Gear, Dead Island, Resident Evil 5 and 6, etc)
- Make e-shop downloaded games cross through Wii U and 3DS.
- Once all this is done get all the 3rd party support (Activision, Konami, Bethesda, Blizzard, Rockstar, Capcom, etc) except for EA.
- Holidays 2016 release new handheld
- Holidays 2017 release new home console without completely closing support for Wii U for 1 more year. Make new system backwards compatible and with the option to migrate NNID to new console and add achievements system.

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