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Member Since 29 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2014 01:54 AM

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Pokemon X Y questions

15 July 2014 - 05:43 AM

Hello there!

Ive been away from the pokemon world for 3 generations (stopped in Pokemon Gold, returned in Y) and I'm really lost here, so i have some questions and requests please. I'm sorry if some of this could be covered in an already existing thread, but this forum is so extense that I couldn't find exactly all that I wanted and I decided to cover it all here:

1) Breeding
1.1) Ditto: How many maxed IV's do my Ditto need to have for succesfully getting a good egg? Do I need it to be totally flawless? or it's ok if it has just one or two maxed IV's? It depends on how many good IV's i want to get? 

1.2) The other Pokemon: Is it important that the other Pokemon (that is not Ditto) also have good IV's? or I just have to focus on getting a good Ditto?

1.3) Destiny Knot: What's exactly the Destiny Knot, how to use it (how does it work) and where to find it?

1.4) Natures: I don't understand anything about the natures. If the egg I get is a flawless Eevee but the nature is not adequate for getting a flawless Jolteon for example. Is it already useless?

2) Friend Safari:
2.1) Zone: On which friend safari do i find Ditto? 

2.2) Friends (Request): I live in Bolivia and sadly I don't know anyone here playing pokémon (or owning a 3DS at all) so I don't have any zone in friend safari. I was wondering if someone that has the Ditto safari zone could, PLEASE, add me as friend so that I can have better chances of getting a good Ditto.

3) Trading:
3.1) Charity (Request): If anyone is willing to trade and give me a good Ditto would be just sweet. I'm not asking for shiny. Just a Ditto that have more chances of giving me better pokémon. (The best Ditto i've found so far has just Max Special Attack and I've captured LOADS of Dittos. 3.%20frown.gif

3.2) Region: My Pokémon Y is in spanish. Does it make any difference or problem when trading with someone that has the game in english?

Thank you for your time, hope you can help me at least with the questions and if someone adds me for the safari thingy I'll be very VERY thankful.

Friend code: 2767-0193-6295


Tomodachi Life: My thoughts and opinion

05 July 2014 - 03:01 PM

Tomodachi Life is a game that kept me with a big hype for days, waiting to finally get it. Two days ago I finally got the money to download it from the e-shop, and as I finally started the thing I realized it wasn't what i was expecting at all, BUT, despite my mixed feelings about what i found, i overall think that I liked the game. Here's why:

First of all, the idea of using your own Mii and make it live along with your friends from different places, or social groups, your girlfriend, and ex girlfriends, your family, and even famous celebrities is something that gives a lot of points to this game, I really loved that and hooked me fondly to play through it all.

After a while I realized that you don't have much power over the Miis. More than playing Sims I felt like i had lots of virtual pets (Tamagotchis) all in one. That was kinda disappointing at the begining and started to feel like ''damn, i really payed 35 bucks for this?''. The game started to become repetitive and annoying, and I was a bit pissed for the bad decision i made of buying it... but that couldn't be it, there had to be something else, i mean, why everyone loved the game? I had to keep trying it. 

After the boredom I decided to just create lots of Islanders. Friends, family, celebrities, exgirlfriends, etc. Just lots of Miis to see what happens. I found myself completely lost and emmerged in the game, I just couldn't stop playing it, checking my 3DS every 5 minutes or less. I realized that the most level has an islander, the better are its requests, also the more problems you solve and the more islanders you create make new features, items appear. I ended up playing it the whole afternoon and evening till I went to sleep, and woke up the next morning to play it again as soon as I opened my eyes, yes, the game is addictive and I was having fun, and happy with it... my 35 bucks were worthy spent. 

The most challenging part was making my Mii and my girlfriend's fall in love. Since you don't have much control over the Islanders you pretty much must be lucky if they even talk to each other. It cost me a lot and took a lot of time but I finally got them in love (I say costed me cus the first time my Mii confesed his feelings she rejected him, and it depends on how you advice your Mii to do it). Anyway Im looking forward to let them get married and they might be the first couple to have a baby islander (yay!)... Although after them my cousin's 19 year old Mii  had a crush on Shaquille O'Neal's Mii :l

To sum things up. It's impossible to say that this game is bad... it's good, its not INCREDIBLE... but good in the end.

If I have to highlight negative points, I'd say that Nintendo missed out to do a ''sims'' syle of game that would have been WAY BETTER than the actual Sims. They made something that could have been MUCH better if only they had given more attention to some points like the leveling system or a much more detailed character creation to make different reactions in future events. Also more ways to make your islanders meet (in general, more power over the mii's), wider customization of your Island and last but not least... better and larger minigames. 

If there is any way to make this game better, is to take note of what i just said, among other things for Tomodachi Life 2. 

I recommend this game, A LOT, but I recommend the downloadable version, cus you must treat this game like a virtual pet and check on your island from time to time so you may wanna have it as an app while having a game cartridge of some other title on the go. 

To finish this, I have to say that I just have 3 days playing and that after what I've seen the game may get even better from now on, i don't know but it appears like I still have a lot to see on this game and Im just starting it.  Thanks for reading! 

How did you started gaming?

30 June 2014 - 09:22 PM

Ok so this is my first time on a gaming forum AND I wanted to share how I started gaming. You can do it too here.

It all started at the age of 5 when I got my first original Gameboy (the black and white one) they gave it to me with Tetris and Kirby's Dream Land... few months later got Lion King, Mario Land, Pinoccio, Animaniacs and Ninja Turtles. And my cousin got an NES with Megaman 2, Megaman 5, The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. So we were all the time playing together.

So being Kirby's Dream land the first game that I ever beated in my life at the age of 5. :D  After almost 3 years i got my Gameboy Color with Pokémon Blue and my cousin another Gameboy Color with Pokemon Red... And THERE is when all started. 

After that i've been behind every Nintendo console and my cousin migrated to Sony when the PlayStation came out (needless to say I got the Nintendo 64 which became my favorite gaming system till now) 

I've kept every system I've had and when i was 15 I started collecting and getting every system i could and missed like the Sega Dreamcast, Atari 2600, etc,,,  Now I have a pretty neat collection of videogames.  THE END.  lol

Hope you enjoyed and start sharing your experience :3  oh and btw, I ended up keeping my cousin's NES :3

My first NES and Gameboy: 

Attached File  HPIM3774.JPG   1.79MB   343 downloads
Attached File  gameboy.jpg   111.81K   328 downloads

Wii U Pro Controller question (problem)

29 June 2014 - 09:58 PM

Hey there (im new here btw) Im a Nintendo Wii U owner since March 2014 and I have a doubt about the Wii U pro controller.

You see i got my first Wii U pro controlle days after i got my Wii U. It actually looked so great on Youtube reviews since its like a spiritual succesor of my favorite controller (Xbox 360 controller). 

The problem is that the second I got it it looked great, felt great in my hands but, here comes the thing. Once i started using it with Call of Duty Black Ops II I realized that the joysticks are (by far) not as good as the ones you have on the Wii U gamepad which are AWESOME. I don't know how to explain it... they don't feel AND don't actually work as accurate as the joysticks on the Wii U gamepad and the difference is HUGE. So much that even my friends don't like to play Call of Duty on my Wii U cus the one that is using the Gamepad has a lot of advantage cus the joystick is way more accurate to aim, move, etc. While with the Pro controller everyone's having problems aiming with accuracy (including me). I've played CoD on my Xbox 360 before selling it and i never had this problem and neither with the Wii U Gamepad which works as good as a 360 controller.

Anyway the thing is that i searched on the internet and saw some people complaining about some pirated versions of the Wii U Pro Controller being sold as originals... so as I started to feel worried that i had got tricked with a pirated version I started to look for all physical details and diferences between an original and a pirated one. In the end I couldn't find any, so it's either original or a great freaking identical copy of an original.

Now here is where you people come into play. I'd really need any of you to tell me if you experience the same with your Wii U Pro Controllers... if the Joystick is not as good or accurate as the one of the Wii U Gamepad or if they joysticks are exactly the same and work as good as the ones of the Gamepad. If mine is the only one with the problem then yes ill asume mine is not an original.

The other thing i wanted to ask if its possible is that i saw on internet that the copies have something written on the back of the controller that is different from what is written on the back of the original one. But i couldnt find any comparison on internet so ill just write here what it says in the back of mine and you people can check (please) if it says the same in the back of your controllers to know if its the same or not. 


This is what it says:

RATING: 5V-0.5a
BATTERY (LI-ion): CT-003  3.6V-3.7V

FCC ID: POO-R237999  IC: 4250A-R237999




Thank you all for your time! :)

EDIT: i must add that the packaging was EXACTLY the same of an original (if its not the original) AND I don't know if its true but I just read that the originals have 'Nintendo' written on the USB charging cables (mine doesn't say anything) if it's true that the originals have 'Nintendo' written on the USB cables then yes i've been tricked horribly. If not then I'm still confused... is it possible that Nintendo had release such a poor quality control? if that's the case... hope i'ts just a fake.

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